It is not enough to know true Law and true Rules of Law. We the People need to stand for what is right and change ourselves and our way of thinking and living. Letting go of the old systems of oppression is the first step. Replacing them with a better way fills the vacuum and ensures that we move forward instead of sliding back into the same quagmire of destruction.


The following are offered as possibilities for a “malodorous muck hits the fan” scenario in which, effectively, there is no valid governance. Violence is not advocated.

This link also leads to a video that describes a way of thinking for communities that find themselves in such a situation.

Note that the ideas here come from a variety of sources, and are meant to be adapted to the needs of a given community or region.

A Vision Statement for the people

May this vision guide all the endeavours of the people.

Our new world and future comprises:

Sovereign individuals and communities communicating with and helping each other to restore the planet and the people to health and vitality;

Sovereign individuals working together as families and communities to forge fulfilling lives of sharing and creativity;

Healthy land, air, and water providing healthful food, shelter and all needs of organic Life;

Technologies old and new, the best of each, functioning side by side for the benefit of all;

Children safe and healthy and loved, nurtured, and taught in ways that allow their unique abilities to blossom, that encourage spiritual growth, and that promote harmonious interaction with others;

People living in harmony with each other and with Nature and expressing their connection to each other, to the planet, and to Source in ever more creative ways;

Natural beauty flowering throughout the world, appreciated by all who experience it;

New systems of social order operating for the benefit of all, in fairness and justice;

True history revealed and healed;

Peace everywhere;

The people of this planet taking their rightful place in the universe.

Principles to Live By

1.   The Golden Rule is simple and clear: Treat others as you wish them to treat you.

2.   Treat all life with respect, for all life is connected by the bonds of energy of the Universe and each form plays a role on this planet and in the wider continuity of existence.

3.   Live in and by truth.

4.   Live in honour by keeping your word once given, and give your word for sound purpose and only when you know you can keep it, that you may earn the trust of others.

5.   Live in integrity by always being true to your heart values even when that is inconvenient, uncomfortable, or even dangerous.

6.   Recognize that this planet and Universe can provide for the needs of everyone but cannot sustain the greed, that is the wish to have more than others, of anyone, and abundance is not a privilege meant for a few but the birthright of us all.

7.   Recognize that sharing with others increases abundance for all and knits people in communities of good will, trust, and harmony.

8.   Recognize that competition and comparison with others is a futile and self-destructive attitude and activity that divides us, pits us against each other, destroys trust and harmony, and is based on the false notion of scarcity promoted by those who live by greed, deception, fraud, and violence.

9.   Recognize that others’ path may not align with our own but is their path to follow, with all rights, responsibilities, and consequences of that path being theirs and not ours to judge or alter. This includes and is not limited to the paths of our children and of others we may care for.

10.  Recognize that taking personal responsibility in life lessens the need for law, rules, and governance.

11.  In all matters, consider the consequences of decisions and choices not merely for the self but for all involved and not merely for the present but for the near and distant future.

12.  Strive to thrive individually and collectively by opening to the clarity of heart knowledge that cannot be deceived as the mind can, and in so doing open to the higher spiritual frequencies of love for all, joy, and gratitude.


Symbols exemplify ideas. For this reason, communities from local to planetary levels choose flags, seals, and other images.

As we move forward, creating our world in our image, new symbols are required to portray the concepts of Universal Law, true Rules of Law, peace, freedom, unity, and sovereignty.

The Flower of Life portrays the inherent connection of all existence on the energetic level and the interconnectedness of all life. Used as the base image for flags and seals and for other purposes, it symbolizes the supremacy of Universal Law and true Rules of Law and the peace and freedom that flow naturally from communal unity and personal sovereignty.

Upon each seal, the words We The People Under Universal Law and a broken circle conveys unity with freedom.

These symbols belong to all of the people of our world so that the Lotus of Life and all it symbolizes can be a unifying force.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

 – R. Buckminster Fuller

Something to Think About

This video offers an alternative to elections as a means to govern our communities, regions, countries, and world.

But that begs a question: What is governance? The word literally means control. And government means control of the mind, as parliament means talk to the mind. Why the mind? Because the mind can be fooled, directed, or forced into attitudes, beliefs, and agendas that are not beneficial to all of us.

On the other hand, the HUman heart cannot be fooled and will not lie. It is no coincidence that there are even more neurons connected to the heart than to the brain where the mind resides. That is why those who wish to control us subtly and overtly work to keep us thinking and perceiving through our minds instead of our hearts.

Ultimately, control belongs to each of us: control of our own choice of thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, behaviours, and the shape of our lives. But such control of ourselves is often avoided because it bears the full responsibility for the reality we create around us and within us. We cannot blame others for the consequences of our choices when we accept the adult responsibility for those choices. So, those who live in victimhood instead of responsibility require rulers to control them and give them someone to blame for their victimhood. That is why groups and organizations we call governments, monarchies, rulers, and leaders exist: because so many of us refuse to put on our adult pants, to control ourselves, and to be responsible for our circumstances and the consequences of our choices.

Another question arises: Why do we need counties, states or provinces, countries, and international organizations purporting to govern us?

The observable fact is that the tiers of governance, from community councils to international bodies, form a hierarchy of ever less accessible, accountable, and caring organizations and individuals with increasingly broader control of wider groups of us, the “public,” on each successive level.

So why do they exist? Why do we allow them the power to make and enforce laws, most of which are contradictory and or in violation of Universal Law and true Rules of Law? Do we need them?

Some would insist we require these levels for administration of infrastructures that cross boundaries, and of programs that benefit the people. Yet we see deteriorating infrastructure at every level through lack of maintenance, and little or no benefit being received by the people. Instead, the organizations of governance harvest vast sums of money that find their way to the pockets of the few “at the top.”

If we face the truth, we do not need hierarchy, a system that inevitably leads to tyranny as history proves. While cooperation among individuals and among communities and regions can and should facilitate coordination of efforts, compatibility and effective maintenance of beneficial infrastructure and other systems, protection and justice, and general harmony, it does not follow that any administrative group formed for these purposes needs to (a) be permanent, (b) have the power to make laws, and (c) operate without real accountability.

And do we need borders? Do we need counties, states or provinces, or countries? What purpose do they actually serve but to provide a vehicle for the few who would dominate, control, divide, steal from, and otherwise oppress us all?

Toward a better future, these questions need to be considered and addressed.

In the meantime, we offer the following samples of official documentation as a first step on the path of personal and collective responsibility. Whether such official documentation is truly required is open to debate.

Rights and Freedoms of All Men and Women

All men and women of the HUman species are born and endowed with an inherent, absolute, and unalienable freedom and consequential rights that existed before the creation of the state or any governing body and cannot be restricted, abrogated, denied, or abolished by any state, government, authority, circumstance, definition, custom, statute, law, treaty, agreement, or contract. This freedom is not limited by the act of defining it or by detailing its aspects. This freedom includes and is not restricted to the following:

1.         Freedom of self-determination, to pursue happiness and spiritual growth;

2.         Freedom of thought, speech, and expression;

3.         Freedom of conscience, beliefs and religion, and freedom from religion;

4.         Freedom of the press to disseminate truth, of journalistic integrity, and of publication;

5.         Freedom of language, cultural expression, and autonomy;

6.         Freedom of peaceful association, assembly, expression, and protest;

7.         Freedom of revolt, dissent, civil disobedience, and non-cooperation with any authority, including the right  to overthrow unjust and arbitrary powers;

8.         Unlimited freedom to contract or not to contract, to consent or not to consent;

9.         Freedom to earn a living income by being compensated in a fair exchange for one’s work;

10.       The right to unrestricted movement on public thoroughfares and the right to travel in the ordinary course of one’s life and business;

11.       The right to control and hold property, lawfully without Trespass, property being defined here as anything exclusive to the individual, whether or not corporeal or material, and including and not restricted to one’s own spirit and soul; body and all its parts; genetics; energies and labour; ideas and creations; hopes and dreams and beliefs; material objects such as home and tools; autograph; court claim or defence and associated documents and evidence; a right of any kind including the right of cohabitation with and care and protection of one’s spouse and minor children, whether the children are natural offspring, adopted, or fostered;

12.       The right to choose or refuse services and products, including and not limited to healthcare and medical providers, tests, treatments, medications, and advice;

13.       The right that no healthcare or medical services or treatments or tests may be required or denied by law, or coerced in any manner or by any individual, group, or organization;

14.       The right to love and to consensual marriage, with or without children, as a family and the right to procreate;

15.       The right to privacy and confidentiality, free from unwarranted invasion;

16.       The right to fair, equal, speedy, and responsive treatment before the law;

17.       The right to remain silent when accused;

18.       The right to be presumed innocent and to be free of detention, arrest, search, and or seizure without reasonable cause;

19.       The right to due process under Universal Law, with notice and opportunity to defend;

20.       The unalienable right to a trial by an impartial jury of one’s peers under the Universal Law;

21.       The right to appeal in law against conviction or sentence or both, if judicial corruption, tampering with court documents and or evidence, coercion of witnesses, coercion or prejudice of jury is discovered, or if previously unknown evidence is found;

22.       The right, if finally acquitted of Trespass or crime, not to be tried for it again and, if finally found guilty and punished for Trespass or crime, not to be tried or punished for it again;

23.       Freedom from cruel and or unusual treatment and or punishment;

24.       The right to expose knowledge necessary to one’s rights and freedoms;

25.       The right to bear arms and defend oneself and one’s family and community if threatened with harm or loss, right to defend against deceit, and right to defend against cruel, unlawful, arbitrary, or unjust treatment, including from agents and or forces of the governing bodies and or other powers, whether foreign or domestic;

26.       The right to be free from fear, slavery or indentured servitude, abuse, oppression and tyranny, harassment, discrimination, any form of exploitation, and war;

27.       The right to refuse to kill or harm under command, by reason of conscience;

28.   The right to the free, equal, and unrestricted access to life’s necessities, including and not limited to clean healthful food and water; decent and affordable housing and sanitation; adequate clothing; energy; quality health and medical care; learning; public transportation; and fair, sustained, meaningful employment;

29.       The right to live in peace and to be left in peace when law-abiding;

30.       The right of informed free will; and

31.       The right of access to the basic needs of life including and not limited to healthful food, clean water, adequate shelter and clothing, and energy.

Let it be noted that freedom bears the responsibility to acknowledge and maintain the freedom and rights of all men and women. Let it also be noted that the freedom and rights here described exist before birth, from the conception of the man or woman. Further, neither rights nor freedoms prevent consequences of violations of Universal Law.


1.         Source Creator is a term interchangeable herein with Source, Creator, Divine, and Collective Consciousness and is here defined as the one original source, creator, and expression of all that exists and is the cause of all Universal Law and the manner in which it operates.

2.         Universal Law, also known as Divine Law, is here defined as behaviours promoted by the energetic systems of the Universe and that are not subject to abrogation or alteration by any being or entity, organization, or governing body. Law created by living beings, including and not limited to constitutions and rules of conduct, must align with Universal Law to be valid and in particular must recognize that Universal Law favours Free Will and ensures Consequences of actions and inactions and intent in accordance with harm or benefit caused.

3.         HUman is here defined as a member of the species Higher Universal Man, which are self-aware beings with a Divine Soul and a mind capable of stable reason with open heart empathy and compassion. HUman and human are interchangeable herein.

4.         A Divine Soul is here defined as a single and unique expression of the Collective Consciousness, which may choose to manifest and to experience life within a HUman body.

5.         Man and woman are here defined as a male and female member, respectively, of the HUman species and includes a HUman being of any age, and is expressed in plural as men and women and collectively as people, as humanity or HUmanity, and as humankind or HUmankind.

            (a)        HUman beings are expressions of Source Creator manifested in physical form in this Universe with right of free will and with right and duty of self-rule aligned with Universal Law.

            (b)        All authority under law comes from Source Creator through HUman beings, the latter also known and expressed as men and women and or as living men and women and or as We the People with or without capitalization of the written form.

6.         Definitions found in British Accreditation Registry, Admiralty, Noahide, and other law dictionaries including and not limited to Black’s Law dictionaries are repudiated.

This clarification stands as truth, which may not be repealed or denied, or be altered in any manner that restricts or abolishes the rights and freedoms of men and women.

We living men and women  affix our autographs to this Clarification of Rights and Freedoms of All Men and Women as proof of its lawful ratification, in the Sovereign Community of ________________________________ in the Sovereign State/Region of ________________________________ in the Sovereign Country/Territory of _______________________________.

Sample Proclamation of Independence

All men and women are created equal and sovereign, endowed by the Divine Source Creator with an unalienable right of freedom to govern ourselves free of oppression, violence, and tyranny.

When any system of governance is destructive to freedom and or corrupts free will, it is the inborn right and duty of all men and women to depose that system and through new mutual agreements to create among themselves their own governance to safeguard their lives, rights, and freedoms. Therefore, we the sovereign men and women of the lands and waters comprising the region formerly known as (e.g. United States or USA or U.S.A.), being the source of all authority and law and according to the obligations bestowed upon us by necessity and right of Universal Law, do hereby proclaim the following truths and intentions:

A society that neglects or abuses the people, and children and elders in particular, is destined to fail, as history clearly shows.

The powers that claimed rule of these lands in the past did so by deceit, violence, and authoritarianism that suppressed the rights, freedoms, and lives of all the peoples, a practice that has continued to this day. Further, those claiming rule in current times have expressed openly their intention to subjugate the people under one world government controlled by corporations with an avowed murderous depopulation agenda, and toward that end have violated their own foundational statutes as well as Universal Law and true Rules of Law to subvert the rights and freedoms of the people.

Let it therefore be known to all people that because of these indisputable facts the time has come to nullify and dissolve the fraudulently claimed authority of the corporations purporting to have a right to govern and to impose and enforce their rule, corporate statutes, agreements, and treaties. We the people establish in their place a free, responsible, and self-governing society of equals from among all our peoples.

In this purpose, we acknowledge that all free people must dwell within a community that safeguards the wellbeing and freedom of all its members, and not according to special privilege. We therefore proclaim that the lands, waters, and resources within our country are not the sole property of any individual or group and belong equally to all the people. The lands and waters and resources are held in common and in trust by the people as a visible proof that the Universal Law of peace and equality is honoured and safeguarded.

We further acknowledge that an entirely new form of governance and of social structure is required: one that abandons the hierarchy and the destructive policies and methods of the past that have proved fatal not only to individuals but to whole societies. We create instead a life-enhancing new way that promotes free will over tyranny, need over greed, cooperation over competition and comparison, unity over division, sharing over hoarding, caring for and service to others as well as to self, personal responsibility, trust, and truth.

Therefore, we the people hereby sever now and forever all ties and allegiances to all foreign monarchies and governments and their subsidiaries, agencies and affiliates; The Crown and its subsidiaries, agencies and affiliates; the Church of Rome and its subsidiaries, agencies and affiliates; and the United Nations and its subsidiaries, agencies and affiliates. We disestablish and nullify their fraudulently claimed authority over us, and we forever extinguish any allegiance or service, statutory or contractual or implied, claimed to be owed by us to these and any other foreign and or corporate powers. We thus separate ourselves from the government, laws, and statutes of the corporation (e.g. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or USA or U.S.A.) and its subsidiaries and agencies, and from the corporate agents that have sworn oath of allegiance to the monarchy and government of Britain and or to The Crown and or to the Church of Rome and or to the United Nations and or to the British Accreditation Registry or any subsidiary BAR Association, and we cause to be established a sovereign Universal Law jurisdiction encompassing the lands, waters, and resources of  the territory formerly known as (e.g. United States or USA or U.S.A.).

We further unilaterally cancel as odious debt all debts and indemnities incurred by The Crown and its subsidiaries and agencies and affiliates, the Church of Rome and its subsidiaries and agencies and affiliates, the United Nations and its subsidiaries and agencies and affiliates, and the (e.g. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or USA or U.S.A.) and the corporations that have acted as governments within the former (e.g. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or USA or U.S.A.), and we repudiate all contracts made by and or claims against all of the above-mentioned organizations including and not limited to their subsidiaries and departments and agencies and agents and we repudiate all debts of all other corporations including and not limited to banks.

Any use of existing systems is out of necessity and does not grant or imply consent to any statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, bylaws, or presumptions made by the corporations claiming authority to rule on the basis of a fraudulent claim to be granted such authority by a divine source. Consent requires full disclosure and full disclosure was never given.

In witness thereof, we mutually pledge our lives and honour to this sacred purpose by affixing our autographs to this Proclamation of Independence.

We take this action freely and without reservation, according to our conscience and capacity as self-governing sovereign men and women within the Universal Law and this Proclamation stands regardless of acknowledgement by the above-named organizations and their agents and servants.

We the people state that any attempt to disregard this Proclamation of Independence and or to usurp the authority of governance, courts, and protective forces established by and for the people under and subsequent to this Proclamation and or to enforce the rule and laws and debts of corporations and or otherwise to impose tyranny on the people and or to incarcerate or coerce or harm the people by any of the corporations that claimed rule of these lands in the past and or their subsidiaries and or their departments and or their agencies and or their agents including and not limited to militaries and military contractors and British Accreditation Registry courts and police forces is deemed an act of war and any beings and or organizations committing such acts are deemed enemy combatants.


1.         Universal Law, also known as Divine Law, is here defined as behaviours promoted by the energetic systems of the Universe and that are not subject to abrogation or alteration by any being or entity, organization, or governing body. Law created by living beings, including and not limited to constitutions and rules of conduct, must align with Universal Law to be valid and in particular must recognize that Universal Law favours Free Will and ensures Consequences of actions and inactions and intent in accordance with harm or benefit caused.

2.         Source Creator is a term interchangeable herein with Source, Creator, Divine, and Collective Consciousness and is here defined as the one original source, creator, and expression of all that exists and is the cause of all Universal Law and the manner in which it operates.

3.         HUman is here defined as a member of the species Higher Universal Man, which are self-aware beings with a Divine Soul and a mind capable of stable reason with open heart empathy and compassion. HUman and human are interchangeable herein.

4.         A Divine Soul is here defined as a single and unique expression of the Collective Consciousness, which may choose to manifest and to experience life within a HUman body.

5.         Man and woman are here defined as a male and female member, respectively, of the HUman species and includes a HUman being of any age, and is expressed in plural as men and women and collectively as people, as humanity or HUmanity, and as humankind or HUmankind.

            (a)        HUman beings, also known as men and women, are expressions of Source Creator manifested in physical form in this Universe with right of free will and with right and duty of self-rule aligned with Universal Law.

            (b)        All authority under law comes from Source Creator through HUman beings, the latter also expressed as men and women and or as living men and women and or as We the People with or without capitalization of the written form.

6.         The terms territory and region are used interchangeably herein and are here defined as an area of this planet comprising land, waters, inground resources including and not limited to ores and minerals, atmosphere and natural energies, and life forms.

7.         The terms state or province, country, and territory may be used interchangeably as the old systems of division are replaced with new systems of unity among the peoples of this planet.

8.         Jurisdiction is here defined as the region in which a governing body and its adjunct bodies exercise authority of their respective functions including and not limited to protecting the Rights and Freedoms and wellbeing of the inhabitants.

9.         Definitions found in British Accreditation Registry, Admiralty, Noahide, and other law dictionaries including and not limited to Black’s Law dictionaries are repudiated.

Implementation and Amendment:

1.   This Proclamation takes effect immediately upon being spoken and autographed.

2.   This Proclamation may not be repealed or be amended in any way that nullifies its purpose and or its alignment with Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and or the Rights and Freedoms of all men and women.

We living men and women affix our autographs to this Proclamation of Independence as proof of  its lawful ratification in the Sovereign Community of _______________________ in the Sovereign State/Region of _____________________________ in the Sovereign Country/Territory of ___________________________________.

__________________________________  _________________________________

__________________________________  _________________________________

__________________________________  _________________________________

__________________________________  _________________________________

__________________________________  _________________________________

__________________________________  _________________________________

Dated: __________________________________________

Sample Proclamation to Establish a Sovereign Territory/Region/ Community

Let it be known that it is the unalienable right of living men and women to form communities, to maintain individual self-governance guided by Universal Law and true Rules of Law and, if they so choose, to form collective governing bodies composed of sovereign men and women acting in the best interests of the community as a whole, of the men and women within the community, and of the people and beings of the planet;

Further, let it be known that we the people, the living men and women domiciled in the territory formerly known as (e.g. UNITED STATES or USA or U.S.A.) have proclaimed independence of the corporations that fraudulently claimed rule and ownership of all lands, waters, peoples, and resources within the boundaries of the territory formerly known as (e.g. UNITED STATES or USA or U.S.A.).

Therefore, we the people do hereby establish a sovereign Universal Law jurisdiction encompassing the lands, waters, and resources of the territory formerly known as (e.g. UNITED STATES or USA or U.S.A.) for the benefit of all of the inhabitants of the territory and its regions, this jurisdiction to be known henceforth as (e.g. America).

We further proclaim that each regional subdivision of the Sovereign Country of (e.g. America), whether state/province, county, township, city, town, or other designation, is a sovereign Universal Law jurisdiction encompassing the lands, waters, and resources within the region.


1.         Universal Law, also known as Divine Law, is here defined as behaviours promoted by the energetic systems of the Universe and that are not subject to abrogation or alteration by any being or entity, organization, or governing body. Law created by living beings, including and not limited to constitutions and rules of conduct, must align with Universal Law to be valid and in particular must recognize that Universal Law favours Free Will and ensures Consequences of actions and inactions and intent in accordance with harm or benefit caused.

2.         Source Creator is a term interchangeable herein with Source, Creator, Divine, and Collective Consciousness and is here defined as the one original source, creator, and expression of all that exists and is the cause of all Universal Law and the manner in which it operates.

3.         HUman is here defined as a member of the species Higher Universal Man, which are self-aware beings with a Divine Soul and a mind capable of stable reason with open heart empathy and compassion. HUman and human are interchangeable herein.

4.         A Divine Soul is here defined as a single and unique expression of the Collective Consciousness, which may choose to manifest and to experience life within a HUman body.

5.         Man and woman are here defined as a male and female member, respectively, of the HUman species and includes a HUman being of any age, and is expressed in plural as men and women and collectively as people, as humanity or HUmanity, and as humankind or HUmankind.

            (a)        HUman beings, also known as men and women, are expressions of Source Creator manifested in physical form in this Universe with right of free will and with right and duty of self-rule aligned with Universal Law.

            (b)        All authority under law comes from Source Creator through HUman beings, the latter also expressed as men and women and or as living men and women and or as We the People with or without capitalization of the written form.

6.         The terms territory and region are used interchangeably herein and are here defined as an area of this planet comprising land, waters, inground resources including and not limited to ores and minerals, atmosphere and natural energies, and life forms.

7.         The terms state or province, country, and territory may be used interchangeably as the old systems of division are replaced with new systems of unity among the peoples of this planet.

8.         Jurisdiction is here defined as the region in which a governing body and its adjunct bodies exercise authority of their respective functions including and not limited to protecting the Rights and Freedoms and wellbeing of the inhabitants.

9.         Definitions found in British Accreditation Registry, Admiralty, Noahide, and other law dictionaries including and not limited to Black’s Law dictionaries are repudiated.

Implementation and Amendment

1.   This Proclamation takes effect immediately upon being spoken and autographed.

2.   This Proclamation may not be repealed or be amended in any way that nullifies its purpose and or its alignment with Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and or the Rights and Freedoms of all men and women.

We living men and women affix our autographs to this Proclamation as proof of its lawful ratification in the Sovereign Community of ________________________________ in the Sovereign State/Region of ________________________________ in the Sovereign Country/Territory of ____________________________.

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

Dated: _____________________________________________

Something to consider:

The sample Proclamation to Establish can also be used for individual communities and regions. Do countries, states/provinces, counties, and similar broad regional designations need to be maintained for purposes other than postal service, trade, and travel location identification?

It can be argued that the authority to make laws, rules, and policy is best retained solely at the level of individual communities, with agreement among them for practical purposes, and that administrative bodies that serve broader territories have no legislative or lawmaking powers or power to initiate or enter treaties or other similar agreements.

What do you think?

Proclamation to Establish Rules of Law and Operation of the Sovereign Territory/Country/ State/Region/Community


Every community, region, country, and world needs rules upon which its governing and administrative bodies and inhabitants base laws, policies, and actions. Therefore we the living men and women domiciled in the Sovereign Territory/Country/State/Region/Community of _______________________________________ establish the following rules for ourselves and all organizations operating within the Sovereign Territory/Country/State/Region/Community of _______________________________________.

General Application of Law and Rules

Article One: Definitions

1.         This Proclamation combined with the Proclamation of Independence, the Proclamation to Establish the Sovereign Community/Region/Territory of _______________________, and the Clarification of Rights and Freedoms of All Men and Women may be called the Constitution of the Sovereign Community/Region/Territory of __________________________ and this portion of the four defines the rules of law and operation of the community/region/territory.

2.         In general, definitions used are those found in English dictionaries published before the year 1980 C.E. and the definitions of words and terms found in law dictionaries including and not limited to Black’s Law Dictionaries are repudiated. Further, the etymology of words and terms and or foreign words and terms may not be used to negate the intent of this proclamation or any rule, policy, or project initiated under this proclamation, nor to abrogate the rights and freedoms of men and women.

3.         Words and terms not defined herein are found in ordinary dictionaries published prior to 1980 C.E. with the exception that words and terms specified as law terms are not accepted or deemed valid.

4.         Source Creator is a term interchangeable herein with Source, Creator, Divine, and Collective Consciousness and is here defined as the one original source, creator, and expression of all that exists and is the cause of all Universal Law and the manner in which it operates.

5.         Universal Law, also known as Divine Law, is here defined as behaviours promoted by the energetic systems of the Universe and that are not subject to abrogation or alteration by any being or entity, organization, or governing body. Law created by living beings, including and not limited to constitutions and rules of conduct, must align with Universal Law to be valid and in particular must recognize that Universal Law favours Free Will and ensures Consequences of actions and inactions and intent in accordance with harm or benefit caused.

6.         HUman is here defined as a member of the species Higher Universal Man, which are self-aware beings with a Divine Soul and a mind capable of stable reason with open heart empathy and compassion. HUman and human are interchangeable herein.

7.         A Divine Soul is here defined as a single and unique expression of the Collective Consciousness, which may choose to manifest and to experience life within a HUman body.

8.         Man and woman are here defined as a male and female member, respectively, of the HUman species and includes a HUman being of any age, and is expressed in plural as men and women and collectively as people, as humanity or HUmanity, and as humankind or HUmankind.

            (a)        HUman beings are expressions of Source Creator manifested in physical form in this Universe with right of free will and with right and duty of self-rule aligned with Universal Law.

            (b)        All authority under law comes from Source Creator through HUman beings, the latter also known and expressed as men and women and or as living men and women and or as We the People with or without capitalization of the written form.

9.         The word Law refers to universal maxims that guide behaviour for the highest good of all.

10.         The word Rule refers to customs that promote harmonious interaction or promote safety, an example being  the custom in most parts of the world of driving on the right side of the road.

11.       For simplicity, the words law and rule, whether in upper or lower case, may be used interchangeably.

12.       The term transhuman agenda is here defined as the program and methods of altering the HUman species to transform HUman beings into technological entities easily controlled by the promoters of the agenda.

13.       Religion is here defined as an organization and the doctrines it imposes that purport to be spiritual belief system and practice.

14        Spiritual is here defined as related to energetic frequency levels, connection to Source Creator, and intention toward the benefit of all life and Creation.

15.       God is here defined as a being of great wisdom and high spiritual nature who acts primarily in service to the good of all life and Creation.

16.       Governing body, also known as a People’s Congress, is defined herein as a group of HUman beings with authority to make and enforce rules aligned with Universal Law and to implement policies and common projects for the benefit of the inhabitants of its jurisdiction.

            (a)        Governing bodies are formed by and accountable to the inhabitants of their jurisdiction.

            (b)        Governing bodies have administrative functions including and not limited to maintaining records of laws and providing services for the benefit of the inhabitants of their jurisdiction.

17.       Jurisdiction is here defined as the region in which a governing body and its adjunct bodies exercise authority of their respective functions including and not limited to protecting the Rights and Freedoms and wellbeing of the inhabitants.

18.       Corporation is defined herein as an organization operating under a legal fiction and fraudulently claiming limitation of its liability under law.

19.       Lawful currency, formerly known as legal tender, is defined herein as a thing that when offered for exchange or exchanged for goods or services fulfills exchange obligation or when offered or given as payment of the whole or part of a debt obligation fulfills the applicable whole or part specified in the contract that originated the debt.

            (a)        No form of lawful currency is a debt obligation by its mere creation or existence.

20.       Tax is defined herein as a contribution requested by and paid to a governing body by the inhabitants and or organizations within its jurisdiction in order to fund services provided by the governing body for the benefit of the inhabitants.

            (a)        Tax in any form and by any name imposed by corporations and siphoned to the possession of individuals, families, corporations, or other organizations that are not lawful governing bodies is theft with penalty imposed by jury commensurate with harm caused.

            (b)        Administration bodies may not impose tax in any form and by any name and must request funds for specified purpose or purposes to be granted by the governing body or governing bodies that they serve.

21.       (a)        Life forms are subject to death and to consumption by other life forms after death as food in the cycle of life energies.

            (b)        Harm is here defined as cruelty inflicted upon a life form during its life and or during the process of its death.

            (c)        Cruelty is here defined as trauma inflicted upon the body, mind, and or soul of a life form in a manner or for a purpose that is not for the highest good of either the life form or of all life or both.

22.       The jurisdiction to which this proclamation applies is herein defined as the territory enclosed by existing borders and designated by the name ______________________________________.

            (a)        Any change of the borders defining the territory must be agreed upon by all governing bodies and inhabitants affected by the change.

            (b)        Any change of the designated name of the territory must be agreed upon by all inhabitants affected by the change.

23.       Jurist is herein defined as any individual who is a judge, justice of the peace, court official, or member of a jury.

24        Licence and permit as used herein specify a form of official permission or authorization, whether or not including a form of document or object as proof of such authorization, and whether or not such licence or permit must be purchased.

25.       Real Estate is here defined as land, the natural resources in and on and under the land including and not limited to waters, and any structures in, on, and under the land and or waters.

26.       Agreement is here defined as including contracts, treaties, accords, trusts, and all other understandings reached by two or more living parties, whether written and autographed or spoken.

27.       Testament, Last Will, Will and Testament, and Last Will and Testament are interchangeable and here defined as the will of an individual with regard to transfer of possession of and all associated rights to his or her property upon his or her death, such transfer being also termed a bequest.

Article Two: Purpose

1.         The purpose of this Proclamation is to establish the rules by which the governing and administrative systems of the community/region/state/country/territory operate and to which they must adhere.

2.         The purposes of the laws, rules, and policies of the governing systems of the community/region/state/country/territory are to

            (a)        implement and maintain systems that promote health, learning of true information, spiritual development, and quality of life of all HUman beings within its jurisdiction;

            (b)        implement and maintain systems that promote healthy procreation and nurturing of HUman children and families;

                        (i)         protect in any and all ways necessary the genetic white race that has been brought to near extinction by thousands of years of genocide programs by enemy aliens many of whom come in the form of white HUman beings, this protection being required in order to ensure the continuation and proliferation of the genetic white race;

                        (ii)        protect the purity of each HUman subspecies commonly referred to as races for the benefit and continuation in health of each subspecies;

                        (iii)       suppress and eliminate all anti-HUman programs of immorality, fraudulent science, promotion of non-human sexes falsely labelled as genders, and genetic mixing of HUman subspecies to degrade them and ultimately cause their extinction;

                        (iv)       suppress and eliminate all programs of the depopulation and transhuman agendas implemented and promoted by alien enemies of the HUman species;

            (c)        implement and maintain systems that improve and benefit the environment for the health of all of Nature including and not limited to the soils, waters, air, and organic life forms of this earth;

            (d)        implement and maintain systems of true Universal Law, Rules of Law, Justice, and Defence of law-abiding individuals, families, groups, and communities within its jurisdiction;

            (e)        implement and maintain systems of harmonious interaction, administration, and governance within its jurisdiction and among neighbouring communities, regions, states, countries, and territories that respect and abide by Universal Law and the Rules of Law that align with Universal Law;

            (f)        implement and maintain systems that promote environmentally beneficial agriculture and production of foodstuffs and other products healthful and useful for organic HUman beings;

            (g)        implement and maintain systems that promote useful industry, benign industrial practices, fair trade, stable and trustworthy exchange systems, and prosperity of all the people;

            (h)        protect the people and ultimately all of HUmanity and this earth.

Article Three: Law

All Laws and Rules must align with the following precepts:

1.         The foundation of Universal Law is free will of all individuals.

2.         No one and no entity may own the body or any part of the body, the mind, or the soul or spirit or energy matrix of any man or woman of any age.

3.         The basis of true Law is:

            (a)        Intend no harm or loss.

            (b)        Speak no false witness and no harmful deception.

            (c)        Accept no wrongdoing.

            (d)        All are equal under the law and no one is above the law.

            (e)        All have right of free will to consent, deny consent, and revoke consent.

            (f)        All are responsible for their own actions and inactions.

4.         No corporation or private organization of any kind may be a law-making body.

5.         No private law may be created and or imposed upon any man and or woman of any age or upon any group or community of men and or women.

6.         No legal fiction of any kind may be used to deprive a man or woman of any age of free will or to deny the Rights and Freedoms of a man or woman or group of men and or women of any age, and any legal fiction designed for such purpose has no force or effect in law.

7.         No organization may have status in law of or equal to a HUman being and a HUman being has the highest status in law.

8.         All forms of slavery are unlawful and a Crime Against Humanity

            (a)        with minimum penalty of confiscation of all financial and Real Estate assets as ill-gotten gains;

            (b)        with penalty of banishment for their lifetime to a remote location without possibility of parole or plea bargain or escape, and with no outside contact, visitors, or perks for those who perpetrate harm against children; and

            (c)        with remedy of a lifetime of supervised public service, the type and conditions of service dependent upon degree of harm caused.

9.         All are equal under law and all law must apply consistently.

10.       All law must be as concise as possible, and kept simple and to the point so that all may learn and know it.

11.       All law must be standard, without contradiction, and must be clear in intent and application.

12.       All law must be spoken aloud to become law as the spoken word carries the authority of law and writing is for reference and is never law in effect.

13.       All action in law must be spoken and all written evidence and record of action in law is for reference and is not law in effect unless it is first spoken.

14.       All action in law must have a cause that is an injury, a penalty commensurate with harm done, and a remedy that allows the potential for correction, compensation, or other means of rectification that balances harm done.

15.       All law must be respectful to all.

16.       All law must be sensible, reasonable, consistent, honest, and moral.

17.       No law may impose fallacies or require fallacies to be defended or enforced.

18.       No law may compel unreasonable, impossible, dishonest, contradictory, treacherous, or immoral actions.

19.       All law must be remedial and merciful and may not cause or encourage vengeance or cruel or vicious acts.

20.       Public Oaths supersede and nullify any conflicting oath.

21.       Governing bodies may not make any law or rule that

            (a)        harms any lawful individual or group of men and or women or violates Universal Law;

            (b)        does not benefit the people within its jurisdiction;

            (c)        benefits any member of the governing body without at least equal benefit to the people within the jurisdiction of the governing body;

            (d)        unjustly disadvantages any individual or group and or unjustly benefits any individual or group more than others;

            (e)        sacrifices long-term and future benefit for short-term gain or otherwise fails to provide for future benefit to all within the jurisdiction of the governing body and, if applicable, all of the planet and its inhabitants;

            (f)        is made in secret without full disclosure to the people within its jurisdiction of its purpose, terms, implementation, costs, and effect, and without the free will and uncoerced approval by the people within the jurisdiction.

22.       All law must be made accessible to the people of the jurisdiction that they may understand and learn it.

23.       The authority to make laws belongs to governing bodies and not to administrative bodies, although a governing body may also perform administrative functions.

24.       No law may demand a licence or fee or other constraint that has the effect of curtailing one or more of the Rights and Freedoms of the people including and not limited to

            (a)        a licence to enter into the family relationship traditionally known as marriage, and any claim that existing marriage licences grant to any corporation or governing body or organization or individual rights to any form of control of such relationship and or control of the natural or adopted offspring of such relationship is of no force or effect in law;

                        (i)         this section does not limit or nullify the obligation and duty of the People’s Congress, its law enforcement and courts, and the people to uphold Universal Law;

            (b)        a licence to drive a vehicle of any type or form;

                        (i)         this section does not limit or nullify drivers’ responsibility for the consequences of their actions including and not limited to full responsibility for any harm they cause;

                        (ii)        this section does not limit or nullify the obligation and duty of the People’s Congress to ensure to the greatest degree possible that drivers of taxis, buses and other public transport, and emergency vehicles be competent and not be a potential risk of harm to passengers;

            (c)        a licence to open and operate a business enterprise;

                        (i)         this section does not limit or nullify the responsibility of any business owner to operate in accordance with Universal Law;

            (d)        a licence or permit to build, renovate, or in any way modify a building or outbuilding;

                        (i)         this section does not limit or nullify the responsibility of those who build, whether as owner-builders or as contracted builders, to do so in a manner that produces a structure that is sound, safe for use or habitation, and environmentally benign in terms of materials used, and location of structures to each other and to natural hazards such as unstable soil and natural resources such as groundwater and surface water;

            (e)        a licence or permit and or tags for a pet;

                        (i)         this section does not limit or nullify the responsibility of any who obtain a pet to treat the animal kindly, to see to its physical and any other needs appropriately, and to ensure it causes no harm to others;

            (f)        a prohibition to harvest precipitation, grow food or raise domestic animals, compost waste materials including and not limited to human manure, and or to purify wastewater by means including and not limited to filtration through constructed wetlands;

                        (i)         this section does not limit or nullify the responsibility of all to treat animals as specified in Article Three, Clause 24. Section (e) (i) and

                        (ii)        neither this section nor Article Three, Clause 24. Section (d) limit or nullify the responsibility to prevent pollution of land and groundwater;

            (g)        a prohibition to give or sell healthful products including and not limited to raw milk;

                        (i)         this section does not limit or nullify the responsibility of producers and sellers to ensure that products including and not limited to raw products are fit and safe for consumption by the intended consumers;

            (h)        a requirement to purchase insurance.

25.       No law and no expression of law in any form can be owned as true law belongs to all.

Article Four: Actions in Law

1.         All are equal under the law and no one is above the law.

2.         No private or corporate or religious court may judge any law.

3.         Law of any religion that does not align with Universal Law and these Rules of Law is not accepted as valid law and rules and may not be used in claim or defence in any People’s Court.

4.         All are responsible for their own actions and inactions and are accountable under the law.

5.         All are deemed innocent unless proven culpable.

6.         No one may be punished for intent of wrongdoing without action of wrongdoing; however, it is the nature of Universal Law that consequences of intent to harm will occur that are beyond the capacity of any court to impose or prevent.

7.         No one may be punished for action that causes harm without intent of wrongdoing.

8.         No one may be held responsible for the free will choice of another including and not limited to the choice to feel offended or insulted.

9.         No one may be held responsible for the obligations or debts of another.

10.       No one may be punished for the actions or inactions of another.

11.       Deliberate instigation of wrongdoing by another is wrongdoing.

12.       No one may be both judge and executioner of punishment.

13.       No one may be judge of his or her own claim or defence against claim, nor obtain advantage from his or her own wrongdoing.

14.       No jurist may obtain advantage from participation in an action under law and may have no bias for or against the claimant or defendant in an action in which he or she participates as a jurist.

15.       No judge, justice of the peace, or other court official may prejudice by word or deed the outcome of an action in law.

16.       All jurists and all court officials must make public oath of office to act in good faith and impartiality and without prejudice, bias, or hidden interests before commencement of duties, and violation of oath of office is a crime

            (a)        with minimum penalty of loss of office and any other penalty chosen by jury and commensurate with harm caused, and

            (b)        with minimum remedy of financial compensation for loss and or other remedy as requested by the injured party and commensurate with harm caused and or remedy offered by the official who has violated oath of office and that is accepted by the injured party.

17.       No one may be accused of the identical cause more than once.

18.       No penalty may exist without a valid law and an injury as cause, nor be issued without proof of injury, proof of culpability, and the right of defence.

19.       Any action in law must reflect the injury that is the cause of the action, and no action in law may arise from a fraud or from a remote cause.

20.       Only living individuals and not organizations may make a claim in law.

21.       A member of law enforcement may make a claim on behalf of an injured party who is unable to make claim, including and not limited to a murder victim.

22.       The one that makes a claim and accuses another must

            (a)        notify the defendant of the claim,

            (b)        prove the claim through evidence verified to be true, and

            (c)        if the claim is not proven, the claim may not proceed and the one accused has nothing to answer.

23        To make false accusation is crime against both the one falsely accused and the law as a whole with

            (a)        penalty chosen by jury commensurate with harm caused, and or

            (b)        remedy requested by falsely accused party and commensurate with harm caused or remedy offered by the defendant and accepted by the injured party.

24        Neither claimant nor defendant in an action in law is required to have an advocate.

25.       A defendant notified of a claim and who chooses not to respond to the claim may be found culpable through failure to offer defence, counter claim, proof of innocence, reasonable grounds, or remedy.

26.       No member of the British Accreditation Registry or any other form of private law organization, corporation purporting to be government, or lobby organization may act as advocate, counsel, lawyer, barrister, notary, judge, member of jury, or court official.

27.       British Accreditation Registry practice of the use of “case law” to justify claims, counterclaims, or defence is prohibited as it is easily used to subvert rather than promote justice.

28.       British Accreditation Registry presumptions and procedures may not be used in any court.

29.       Consent must be explicit and may not be implied.

30.       Wording of a law and or form of a document and or procedure in action in law may not be used to achieve injustice or to violate Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and or the Rights and Freedoms of the people.

31.       A claim that violates Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and or the Rights and Freedoms of all men and women is invalid regardless whether it is rebutted.

Article Five: All Forms of Agreements

1.         To be valid, an agreement must

            (a)        be made between living individuals, not organizations or legal fictions;

            (b)        be made between or among competent individuals whose capacity to consent is not compromised by minority of age, lunacy, idiocy, drunkenness, use of drugs, or otherwise being of unsound mind or unable to comprehend the agreement and the consequences of consent or non-consent;

            (c)        be made between or among agreeing parties; no one can enter into an agreement on behalf of another;

            (d)        be agreed to by all parties to the agreement;

            (e)        be given express consent by all parties to the agreement verbally and or by means of autograph preceded by the word “By” upon the written agreement and in ink of a colour other than black, in handwriting and not by machine, and the autograph may also include “All Rights Reserved” and or “Without Prejudice” written below, and or include a thumbprint;

            (f)        be verbally expressed and or autographed in the presence of at least one independent witness and or at least two members of each organization that is an interested party to the agreement.

2.         Inclusion of the words “Vi Coactus” or the letters “VC” or the words “under duress” nullifies the autograph and the agreement.

3.         In order for an agreement to be valid, there must be

            (a)        full disclosure to all parties of all terms and conditions, including and not limited to benefits and hazards of entering into the agreement, and if any party to the agreement fails to make full disclosure without fraud or deceit or misrepresentation, the agreement is null and void;

            (b)        a true exchange of value between the parties to the agreement, with all parties receiving benefit and, if applicable, all parties suffering some detriment, and the consideration received must be equal or agreed despite known inequality;

            (c)        fixed terms and conditions that are fully disclosed, comprehended, and agreed upon;

            (d)        no coercion, duress, threat of loss or harm, or undue influence;

            (e)        no consent given by mistake or through misapprehension; and

            (f)        autographed copies of the agreement must be given to all parties of the agreement for their records.

4.         In order for an agreement to be valid, all parties must

            (a)        be notified in advance of any changes,

            (b)        be given opportunity to reject the changes or the whole agreement, and

            (c)        have right to cancel the agreement if it is discovered later that one or more of the other parties failed to meet the standards of a valid agreement.

5.         Parties to an agreement have three business days from the autographing of the agreement to reject the agreement in writing or ask in writing to renegotiate the agreement.

6.         Parties that receive a rejection or an offer of renegotiation have fourteen business days in which to respond.

7.         If no response to the rejection of an agreement or to the offer to renegotiate is received within forty-five days of the rejection or offer of renegotiation, the agreement is void.

8.         An agreement that is not valid is null and void from the beginning and never existed.

9.         Non-disclosure agreements are prohibited; non-disclosure agreements existing at the time of this Proclamation are of no force or effect in law.

10.       No third party can gain rights contained within an agreement or buy or sell rights contained within an agreement without the express permission of all of the original parties to the agreement.

11.       Governing bodies and administrative bodies may not make form of agreement that

            (a)        harms any man or woman or group of men and or women;

            (b)        harms the natural environment in a manner that does not provide immediate and or future benefit to the environment and the people;

            (c)        does not benefit the people within its jurisdiction;

            (d)        benefits any member of the governing body or administrative body without at least equal benefit to the people within the jurisdiction;

            (e)        unjustly disadvantages any individual or group and or unjustly benefits any individual or group more than others;

            (f)        sacrifices long-term and future benefit for short-term gain or otherwise fails to provide for future benefit to all within the jurisdiction and, if applicable, all of the planet and its inhabitants.

12.       (a)        An agreement made verbally between or among living parties, without documentation and autograph, and with or without witnesses, is valid if it adheres to all other clauses of this Article Five.

            (b)        A Last Will made verbally at imminent death, without documentation and autograph and with at least one witness, is valid in law and the witness is responsible to execute the Last Will and or to notify a Universal Law Court official of the Last Will and its terms in order to arrange for execution of the Last Will.

            (c)        No man or woman, group, organization, court, or governing or administrative body may overturn a valid Last Will that can be carried out and that aligns with Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and the Rights and Freedoms of the people.

13.       Wording and or form of a document and or procedures used to make an agreement may not be used to achieve injustice or to violate terms of an agreement, Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and or the Rights and Freedoms of the parties to the agreement.

14.       All clauses of Article Three apply to all forms of agreement.

Creation and Enforcement of Law and Rules

Article Six:  Authority

1.         We the people have the authority to

            (a)        establish a People’s Congress as a governing body with full authority to make laws and rules in alignment with Universal Law and the Rules of Law expressed in this Proclamation for the benefit of all the people;

            (b)        establish Protective Forces to protect all the people and to enforce Universal Law, the Rules of Law, and the laws and lawful rules of the community/region/territory;

            (c)        establish administrative bodies and procedures appropriate for the lawful organization of the community/region/territory for the benefit of all the people;

            (d)        establish a Universal Law Court or Courts to resolve conflicts and enforce Universal Law within the community/region/territory;

            (e)        establish and provide emergency services organizations and procedures;

            (f)        authorize, fund, create, and maintain public services and infrastructure including and not limited to recycling services and roadways;

            (g)        establish a Treasury, create and issue means of exchange, issue accounts, authorize and make rules for financial organizations and businesses, and if necessary to create a system of taxation;

            (h)        establish standards including and not limited to standards of measure;

            (h)        create and issue forms of identification including and not limited to documents for individuals and objects such as plates for vehicles;

            (i)         establish a Land and Resources Management organization to oversee land allocation and lawful use;

            (j)         establish and maintain records of official documents, public documents including and not limited to maps and business documents, and private documents of individuals if they so choose;

            (k)        establish other administrative bodies and or procedures necessary for the benefit of all the people; and

            (l)         oversee all of the above under the oversight of the people of the community/region/territory.

Article Seven: People’s Congress, People’s Universal Law Court, Law Enforcement Sheriff Department, People’s Military Forces, and Currency

1.         We the People establish a governing body called the People’s Congress to make appropriate laws and rules for the benefit of the men and women within its jurisdiction under Universal Law and under the Rules of Law described in this Constitution.

2.         Any laws or rules that violate this Constitution and or the Freedoms and Rights of the people as clarified in this and in a separate proclamation are invalid and of no force or effect in law.

3.         The primary purpose of the People’s Congress is to ensure that the Freedoms and Rights of the people are maintained and safeguarded and to initiate, carry out, and oversee projects and services and to perform administrative functions for the benefit of all within its jurisdiction.

            (a)        The benefit provided by the People’s Congress through its administrative functions and services and through the projects undertaken may impact some within its jurisdiction differently at any given time or under any given circumstance; nevertheless, all must benefit in some way and equally overall or over time.

            (b)        Sovereignty of the group requires responsibility of all within the group.

4.         The People’s Congress is made up of

            (a)        an Executive council and appropriate committees that oversee the day-to-day workings and administrative functions and services and are accountable to the people within the jurisdiction of the governing body; and

            (b)        all inhabitants of the jurisdiction aged twenty-one (21) years and older, who are encouraged to attend meetings of the People’s Congress and take part in making the decisions that will affect them; and

5.         Members of the Executive council and committees may be elected in a transparent voting system that requires no funding by the candidates, or may be selected from the inhabitants of the jurisdiction who are aged twenty-one (21) years or older in a lottery-in vote-out system.

6.         All members of the People’s Congress must live within the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress.

7.         All members of the People’s Congress Executive and committees must be aged twenty-one (21) years or older and may serve a maximum of two terms in a particular office with each term being three (3) years in length.

8.         No members of the People’s Congress Executive or committees may be under oath to the British Accreditation Registry or any private law organization, or be a current of former member of any organization that has promoted anti-human agendas or engaged in anti-human activities including and not limited to child trafficking.

9.         All members of the People’s Congress, Executive, and committees must swear a public oath to uphold and protect the Rights and Freedoms of all the people and to serve honestly, without bias, and with integrity for the benefit of all within the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress and of the planet as a whole.

10.       Remuneration for members of the People’s Congress Executive and committees and reimbursement policy for expenses must be presented to the general People’s Congress and must be approved by the general People’s Congress and not solely by the Executive or any committee.

11.       Budgets for the People’s Congress, its administrative operations, and its projects must be presented to the general People’s Congress and must be approved by the general People’s Congress and not solely by the Executive or any committee.

12.       We the People establish a People’s Universal Law Court where actions in law may be heard and settled, whether brought by individual claimants or by a law enforcement official.

13.       The People’s Universal Law Court is overseen by a Justice of the Peace who is

            (a)        at least twenty-one (21) years or older; and

            (b)        elected by the people within the jurisdiction for a term of three (3) years and for a maximum of six (6) terms, in a transparent voting system that requires no funding by the candidates; and

            (c)        not under oath to the British Accreditation Registry or any private law organization; and

            (d)        not a current or former member of any organization that has promoted anti-human agendas or engaged in anti-human activities including and not limited to child trafficking; and

            (e)        living in the jurisdiction; and

            (f)        who must swear a public oath to uphold and protect the Rights and Freedoms of all the people and to serve honestly, without bias, and with integrity for the benefit of all within the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress and of the planet as a whole.

14.       All officials and employees of the People’s Universal Law Court must swear a public oath to uphold and protect the Rights and Freedoms of all the people and to serve honestly and with integrity for the benefit of all within the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress and of the planet as a whole.

15.       We the People establish a People’s Law Enforcement Sheriff Department under the oversight of the People’s Congress to

            (a)        serve and protect the people within the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress;

            (b)        maintain order and promote harmonious interaction of community inhabitants;

            (c)        teach as needed and enforce the laws and rules of the jurisdiction;

            (d)        prevent crimes if possible by intervention in disputes that escalate toward violence;

            (e)        investigate crimes committed, whether at the request of an individual or group of individuals or on the basis of evidence of harm done or loss caused;

            (f)        when appropriate bring forward and initiate action in law with sufficient evidence against an individual or group of individuals;

            (g)        provide protection for the People’s Universal Law Court and the People’s Congress and its committees if needed; and

            (h)        work in cooperation with law enforcement agencies in other jurisdictions if appropriate.

16.       All members of the People’s Law Enforcement Sheriff Department must live in the jurisdiction in which they serve.

17.       The Chief Law Enforcement official is a Sheriff who is

            (a)        an adult at least twenty-one (21) years of age elected by the people within the jurisdiction for a term of six (6) years and for an unlimited number of terms, in a transparent voting system that requires no funding by the candidates; and

            (b)        not under oath to the British Accreditation Registry or any private law organization; and

            (c)        not a current or former member of any organization that has promoted anti-human agendas or engaged in anti-human activities including and not limited to child trafficking; and

            (d)        living in the jurisdiction; and

            (e)        who must swear a public oath to uphold and protect the Rights and Freedoms of all the people, and to serve honestly, without bias, and with integrity for the benefit of all within the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress and of the planet as a whole.

18.       We the People establish a People’s Military Force under the oversight of the People’s Congress, the member men and women of which swear public oath to protect and defend the men and women of this jurisdiction and of the planet if necessary from any and all threats, foreign and domestic, to the Rights and Freedoms of the people and the wellbeing of the people and the planet.

            (a)        A separate proclamation initiates and specifies the laws pertaining to the People’s Military Force.

19.       We the People establish lawful currency for the benefit of all inhabitants of the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress and arrange with other jurisdictions for mutual acceptance of the lawful currency of each jurisdiction.

            (a)        A separate proclamation initiates and specifies the laws pertaining to the exchange systems of this jurisdiction.

Article Eight: Language

1.         The official language in which the People’s Congress, Court, Protective Forces, financial businesses, and organizations of the Sovereign Territory/Country/State/Region/Community of ____________________________ operate is English.

2.         The people are required to become and be able to operate in the English language.

3.         The people are not required to express themselves solely in the English language.

Article Nine: Implementation and Amendment

1.         This Proclamation takes effect immediately upon being spoken and autographed.

2.         This Proclamation may not be repealed or be amended in any way that nullifies its purpose and or its alignment with Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and or the Rights and Freedoms of all men and women.

We living men and women affix our autographs to this Proclamation to Establish Rules of Law and Operation also known as the Constitution of the Sovereign Country/State/Region/Community of ___________________________as proof of its lawful ratification in the Sovereign Community of ________________________________ in the Sovereign State/Region of ________________________________ in the Sovereign Country/Territory of _________________.

Possible manner of functioning of People’s Congress:

Proclamation to Establish the Procedures of the People’s Congress


Let it be known that it is the unalienable right of living men and women to form governing bodies to safeguard their Rights and Freedoms, such governing bodies composed of sovereign men and women acting in the best interests of the community as a whole, of the men and women within the community, and of the people and beings of the planet

Article One:  Name and Definitions

1.   The governing body of a Sovereign Community in the Sovereign Country/Territory of ______________________________ is designated as the People’s Congress.

2.         Universal Law, also known as Divine Law, is here defined as behaviours promoted by the energetic systems of the Universe and that are not subject to abrogation or alteration by any being or entity, organization, or governing body. Law created by living beings, including and not limited to constitutions and rules of conduct, must align with Universal Law to be valid and in particular must recognize that Universal Law favours Free Will and ensures Consequences of actions and inactions and intent in accordance with harm or benefit caused.

3.         Source Creator is a term interchangeable herein with Source, Creator, Divine, and Collective Consciousness and is here defined as the one original source, creator, and expression of all that exists and is the cause of all Universal Law and the manner in which it operates.

4.         HUman is here defined as a member of the species Higher Universal Man, which are self-aware beings with a Divine Soul and a mind capable of stable reason with open heart empathy and compassion. HUman and human are interchangeable herein.

5.         A Divine Soul is here defined as a single and unique expression of the Collective Consciousness, which may choose to manifest and to experience life within a HUman body.

6.         Man and woman are here defined as a male and female member, respectively, of the HUman species and includes a HUman being of any age, and is expressed in plural as men and women and collectively as people, as humanity or HUmanity, and as humankind or HUmankind.

            (a)        HUman beings, also known as men and women, are expressions of Source Creator manifested in physical form in this Universe with right of free will and with right and duty of self-rule aligned with Universal Law.

6.         (b)        All authority under law comes from Source Creator through HUman beings, the latter also expressed as men and women and or as living men and women and or as We the People with or without capitalization of the written form.

7.         The terms territory and region are used interchangeably herein and are here defined as an area of this planet comprising land, waters, inground resources including and not limited to ores and minerals, atmosphere and natural energies, and life forms.

8.         The terms state or province, country, and territory may be used interchangeably as the old systems of division are replaced with new systems of unity among the peoples of this planet.

9.         Jurisdiction is here defined as the region in which a governing body and its adjunct bodies exercise authority of their respective functions including and not limited to protecting the Rights and Freedoms and wellbeing of the inhabitants.

10.       Definitions found in British Accreditation Registry, Admiralty, Noahide, and other law dictionaries including and not limited to Black’s Law dictionaries are repudiated.

Article Two:  Purpose

1.   The purpose of the People’s Congress is to ensure the rights, freedoms, and wellbeing of the people of the community in which it is established for the benefit of all members of the community and of visitors to the community.

2.   The People’s Congress is a self-governing body of the people established under its own sovereign jurisdiction to introduce, debate, and proclaim laws, rules, and policies according to Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the people in the Sovereign Community/Region/Territory of _________________________.

3.   The primary function of the People’s Congress is to administer the organization of the community, to oversee projects for the benefit of the people of the community, and to communicate and cooperate with other communities and People’s Congresses for the benefit of all, and the lawmaking functions of the People’s Congress are of secondary importance.

4.   The People’s Congress establishes its operating principles and organizational structure under Universal Law and true Rules of Law and under the guidelines of this Proclamation.

5.   In time, a society of sovereign men and women living under Universal Law may choose to abandon governance in this form in favour of universal self-governance guided by the principles of Universal Law and true Rules of Law and respect for the  fundamental Rights and Freedoms of all peoples.

6.         An important point to remember is that one person or group cannot make just decisions for everyone, and not everyone needs to decide everything; only those who are directly affected by an issue must come to some mutually beneficial agreement on what to do and how to do it, whether those affected include a few neighbours, the inhabitants of a region, or the entire global population.

Article Three:  Authority and Power

1.   The People’s Congress is a sovereign lawful body not subject to any authority save the will of the people of the community in which it is established, Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and the Rights and Freedoms of the people.

2.   The People’s Congress has the full and undivided power of a governing body, unrestricted by interference or veto. Its powers include and are not limited to the right to create forms and documents for administrative purposes; levy and collect taxes; issue documents of identification; create and issue currency; raise and maintain a Sheriff’s Department and a People’s Militia; establish and maintain Universal Law courts; and generally ensure the welfare, protection, and Rights and Freedoms of all the consenting people of the community.

3.   The principle that a governing body that governs least governs best requires that aside from the clarification of Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and other foundational principles and practical rules, each People’s Congress must use its time and effort and resources for administrative tasks and facilitating projects for the benefit of the community rather than on making unnecessary rules.

Article Four:  Convention

1.   The People’s Congress is convened in an accessible public place and or by internet communications that allow meetings with full video and audio participation of all in attendance.

2.   The People’s Congress is convened on a regular basis, on a schedule decided by its members, and on any other occasions that may be appropriate, and the People’s Congress remains in session for as long as is decided by its participants.

3.   The People’s Congress deliberations are open to the people of the community and documented on a public record; video recording is required for internet meetings.

4.   The People’s Congress makes only those laws that are absolutely necessary for the benefit of the people and the functioning of the community.

5.   Other than the various foundational documents establishing lawful governance and the principles and structures on which the community and law are based, some of which are necessarily lengthy, laws are written concisely, in simple language, and all laws are written in a form that makes intent and meaning clear.

6.   The People’s Congress does not dissolve at any time or under any circumstances.

7.   The People’s Congress exists and continues to operate for as long as the community exists or until ended by the choice of all members of the community.

Article Five:  Structure

1.   The People’s Congress acts as a body at large in all its debates and decisions, according to a system of majority vote by either open or closed balloting.

2.   The People’s Congress comprises all members of the community who attend People’s Congress meetings. The attached Code of Conduct specifies behaviour requirements of attendees.

3.   The People’s Congress is administered by a Facilitator or Chair who presides at and oversees all sessions of the People’s Congress, and by one or more Secretaries and an Executive body.

4.   The Executive meets separately on a regular basis to maintain the daily governance of the territory within its jurisdiction and oversight of its courts and militia, and issues regular reports of its decisions and activities to the People’s Congress to which it is accountable.

5.   (a)  The proceedings and reports of the People’s Congress and of its Executive are open to the people, to whom the People’s Congress and its Executive are ultimately accountable.

     (b)  The Executive as a whole or members of the Executive may be removed from office for dereliction of duty and or for violations of their oath, Universal Law, true Rules of Law, Rights and Freedoms of the people, and or the lawful rules of the community.

6.   The Secretary or Secretaries of the People’s Congress maintain the records of the People’s Congress and Committees and may be employed without limitation to term of office.

7.   (a)  The Treasurer or Accountant of the People’s Congress maintains the Treasury of the People’s Congress and prepares the annual budget for submission to and approval of the People’s Congress.

     (b)  The Treasurer or Accountant and Treasury Committee create and maintain a master list of financial account records which are rented by companies that provide financial services, and the Treasurer or Accountant and Treasury Committee administer and oversee banking operations and financial systems to ensure fairness and honesty.

     (c)  The Treasurer or Accountant and Treasury Committee oversee tax collection and pay obligations of the People’s Congress.

     (d)  The Treasurer or Accountant and Treasury Committee may create currency and issue it free of interest and any other form of debt obligation.

     (e)  The Treasurer or Accountant and Treasury Committee may employ one or more bookkeepers for day-to-day accounting and Treasury operations.

     (f)  Funds of the Treasury may not be invested and the People’s Congress, Treasurer or Accountant, and Treasury Committee may not borrow funds to supplement the Treasury.

Article Six:  Establishment

1.   The People’s Congress is established by the common agreement and solemn word of at least twelve men and women domiciled in the community.

2.   The original founders who establish the People’s Congress are not granted any special role or privilege within the People’s Congress unless selected or elected to a position in the People’s Congress or employed for a specific office and function by the People’s Congress.

Article Seven:  Adjunct Bodies

1.   The People’s Congress and its Executive have the authority to create the following offices and bodies:

            (a)        a People’s Congress Clerk and or one or more Secretaries to maintain records of the People’s Congress and otherwise to perform general administrative functions;

            (b)        a Universal Law Court of Record administered by a Clerk;

            (c)        a Security Committee to oversee the People’s Militia units raised and trained by the Sheriff Department and or by one or more individuals with military experience to defend and safeguard the freedom and wellbeing of the people;

            (d)        a Sheriff Department and a staff of deputies to provide security and service to the People’s Congress and the Universal Law Court, to safeguard the freedom and wellbeing of the people, and to facilitate communication with and coordinate activities among other Sheriff Departments and militia units when required;

            (e)        a Justice of the Peace to oversee the Universal Law Court;

            (f)        a Postmaster to ensure the safety and efficiency of the mails;

            (g)        official delegates to represent the People’s Congress at other governing councils within the region and or country and or among countries of the world, as needed;

            (h)        special Committees, Councils, and or Grand Juries to investigate any matter and to make recommendations to the People’s Congress and or the Universal Law Court; and

            (i)         any other body required for the wellbeing and safety of the community and the people, including and not limited to a Needs Assessment Committee, a Project Management Committee, a Community Treasury Committee managed by the Accountant also known as the Treasurer, and a Land Management Committee managed by Stewards.

Article Eight:  Limitations

1.   Neither the People’s Congress nor its Executive nor any adjunct body proclaims or may proclaim any law, rule, policy, or course of action that is contrary to the wellbeing of the people, Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and the Rights and Freedoms of the people of the Sovereign Community/Region/Territory of _____________________________.

2.   The Executive of the People’s Congress has no veto or nullification power over the decisions of the People’s Congress unless those decisions violate the terms or spirit of the Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and or threaten the Rights and Freedoms and or wellbeing of the people as a whole or of individuals within the community; in such circumstances, the Executive has the power and duty to point out the violation and command that such decision be revisited and further consideration be given to the matter.

3.   No governing or administrative body or committee or agency of a governing or administrative body has the right or authority to own lands or resources or to assume custodial rights over property of the people including and not limited to estates and trusts.

4.   Provision of services by governing bodies and committees and agencies of governing bodies and administrative bodies including and not limited to filing of deeds and other records and issuing of documents does not grant a governing body or any of its committees or agencies or any administrative body custodianship over any assets of companies or organizations or over property of individuals including and not limited to issued documents.

5.   While it has generally been accepted that the will of the majority is the just basis of customs and of the rules established as customary laws, history has proven that the will of the majority can be in error, can be manipulated by those of malevolent or selfish intent, and or can be unjust and harmful to the minority including and especially when the action or inaction demanded by the majority is assumed to be for the public good; therefore majority will and or what is defined as the public good may not violate the Rights and Freedoms of the individuals of the community, and lawful dissension of individuals may not be punished and must be respected.

Article Nine:  Election or Selection and Term of Office

1.   The right to vote extends to all the inhabitants of the Sovereign Community/Region/Territory of ____________________________________ who are twenty-one (21) years or older, without qualifications or conditions except domicile in the community in which the vote is to be taken.

2.   The right to hold public office extends to all the people domiciled in the Sovereign Community/Region/Territory of ________________________ who are twenty-one (21) years or older, without qualifications or conditions except the following:

     (a)  must be an inhabitant of the Sovereign Community/Region/Territory of ______________________________; that is, must not be a citizen of a foreign country or usually domiciled in a foreign country or in another community;

     (b)  may not have been convicted of misconduct in any public office, or of any Crime involving harm;

     (c)  may not hold a title of nobility or hold membership in any British Accreditation Registry/Bar/B.A.R. Association;

     (d)  may not have served as a de facto corporate public official within the previous nine (9) years;

     (e)  may not be a member of a secret society.

3.   All who attend People’s Congress meetings and all public officials and employees must make and autograph an oath pledging to uphold the Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and the Rights and Freedoms of the people as well as to serve the best interests of the community and its people.

4.   (a)  Executive members of the People’s Congress may be elected to office or randomly selected from a list of electors not excluded on the basis of Article Nine, Section 2. above.

     (b)  A man or woman may decline selection on grounds of health, family obligations, conflicting service obligations, or conflict of interest.

5.   The members in Executive positions other than Facilitator serve for terms of office of three years and may serve two terms.

6.   (a)  The Facilitator is elected or selected annually from the members of the People’s Congress to serve as Facilitator for a term of one year.

     (b)  The Facilitator may not serve more than three consecutive terms as Facilitator.

7.   Committee members whose positions are created for a temporary project and Standing-Committee members serve a term decided by the People’s Congress.

8.   At the end of their terms, officials remain in their position for a period of one to three months to apprise the incoming officials of the issues at hand and the projects in progress.

9.   (a)  Anyone seeking election may not receive donations or gifts that are or could be construed as bribes before, during, or after an election campaign, while in office, or after leaving office.

     (b)  Selected or volunteer Executive or Committee members and employees may not receive donations or gifts that are or could be construed as bribes during their time in office or after leaving office.

10.  Political parties are banned because they create a competitive, divisive mentality that fails to be representative of the people. To be truly just, a system of governance must be cooperative and inclusive, and all members gathered must engage in discussion, be flexible, and come to agreements for the benefit of all the members of the community.

11.       In the event that eligible members of the community fail to take the responsibility to accept positions in the People’s Congress Executive and or Committees, volunteers may take such positions for as long as necessary to maintain and fulfill the purpose of the People’s Congress.

Article Ten:  Records

1.   The Secretary or Secretaries and the Clerk of the People’s Congress maintain records of the proceedings of the People’s Congress including and not limited to decisions, policies, laws, amendments, Committees, agreements or treaties with other governing bodies, projects, and materials and documents on which decisions are based.

2.   The Secretary or Secretaries and the Clerk of the People’s Congress maintain records of all elections, selections, volunteers, impeachments, referenda, suggestions, grievances, and challenges to the decisions or policies or laws of the People’s Congress.

3.   The People’s Congress maintains a Records Office to house records of events within the jurisdiction of the People’s Congress.

4.   The types of records maintained and the procedures for maintenance of records is established in a separate proclamation.

5.   Public records may not be monetized as negotiable instruments or registered with foreign entities, but may be recorded in the Archives of the state/region and or country/territory as well as locally.

6.   Public endeavours and any contracts and records related to such endeavours may not be monetized as negotiable instruments or registered with foreign entities.

7.   (a)  Official documents of the People’s Congress and the Court may not be altered once finalized and autographed.

     (b)  Amendments to proclamations must be made and documented as described in Article Thirteen below.

     (c)  Amendments to Court documents must be written and appended as described in a separate proclamation.

Article Eleven:  Oath of Office

1.   Oath to be verbally sworn by Committee members and Executive members and employees of the People’s Congress of the Sovereign Community of ________________________________ upon taking office, and by all other People’s Congress members before a meeting begins:

I, (given and middle name), a sovereign being of sound mind and clear conscience, do hereby swear that I will faithfully and justly execute the office of (office designation, or simply Member for all not in a Committee or on the Executive) in the People’s Congress of the Sovereign Community of (name of community) and I will uphold and defend the rights, freedoms, and wellbeing of the people of the community, Universal Law, and true Rules of Law according to the best of my abilities.

I acknowledge that this oath supersedes all conflicting oaths and that if I fail in my duties or if I betray the responsibilities and trust of my office I forfeit my right to this position and face dismissal and possible action in law.

I take this solemn oath freely, without coercion, reservation or ulterior motive, according to my conscience as a sovereign (man or woman), and as a flesh and blood (man or woman) living under the authority and jurisdiction of the Universal Law.

2.   After giving verbal oath, Committee and Executive members and employees taking office autograph and date in ink of a colour other than black before at least one witness a document bearing the words of the oath.

3.   All People’s Congress members make verbal oath each time they attend a meeting.

Article Twelve:  Meetings of the People’s Congress

1.   The members identify themselves and the Secretary notes for the record of the meeting (the Minutes or Notes) all who attend.

2.   The Minutes of the previous meeting are read and accepted, or challenged and corrected.

3.   The Agenda is read.

4.   (a)  The items on the Agenda are discussed, one at a time.

     (b)  Committees and the Executive may hold separate meetings not attended by the People’s Congress as a whole, and they must report their activities to the People’s Congress at the next general meeting of the People’s Congress.

5.   If a member proposes action:

     (a)  He or she indicates intention to speak to all and, when acknowledged by the Facilitator or other member chairing the meeting as a formality to ensure that the members of the People’s Congress pause discussions to listen, the member then makes a Motion.

     (b)  The Facilitator or Chair states the Motion to allow the Secretary to record it accurately and to ensure all members of the People’s Congress know the proposed action.

     (c)  Another member may second the Motion.

     (d)  The members of the People’s Congress discuss and may amend the Motion.

     (e)  The Facilitator or Chair restates the Motion with any amendments and this becomes the official wording of the Motion for the record.

     (f)  The Facilitator or Chair calls for a vote.

6.   Secret ballot procedure is as follows:

     (a)  After the Motion or reading of proposed law, policy, or project and after discussions, and if a secret ballot is deemed appropriate, the members of the People’s Congress mark, behind screens, prepared ballots and then fold the ballot and place it into a ballot box.

     (b)  Before the People’s Congress, the Facilitator or Secretary or other member opens the box and counts aloud the votes for and against the Motion or proposed law, policy, or project, passing them to two or more witnesses to verify the vote.

     (c)  When the vote is tallied, including any blank ballots and ballots marked as both Yes and No, which count as abstentions, the Facilitator states the vote count and whether the Motion or law, policy, or project has passed, and the Secretary records the count and the final decision.

7.   Oral vote procedure is as follows:

     (a)  After the Motion or reading of proposed law, policy, or project and after discussions, the Facilitator or Chair calls for the Aye (Yes) vote and those who are in agreement raise a hand and say aloud, “Aye.” Example: “All those in favour, say Aye.”

     (b)  The Secretary records the number of Ayes, with or without the names of the members who so voted, as decided prior to the vote.

     (c)  The Facilitator or Chair calls for the Nay (No) vote and those who disagree with the proposal raise a hand and say aloud, “Nay.” Example: “All those opposed, say Nay.”

     (d)  The Secretary records the number of Nays, with or without the names of the members who so voted.

     (e)  The Facilitator or Chair calls for abstentions from voting and those who choose to abstain raise a hand and say aloud, “Abstain.”

     (f)  The Secretary records the number of abstentions, with or without the names of the members who abstained.

     (g)  The Facilitator or Chair states for the record the number of Ayes, the number of Nays, the number of Abstentions, the final result of the vote, such as “Motion passes” or “Motion fails,” and what happens because of the vote result.

7.   (h)  The Secretary records the final result of the vote.

8.   (a)  After the Agenda has been concluded, or at the end of the meeting if part of the Agenda has been postponed, the Facilitator or Chair asks whether any new business needs to be addressed.

     (b)  If new business is put forth by a member, it is addressed, or tabled for the next meeting, or referred to a Committee as deemed appropriate by the People’s Congress.

9.   The Facilitator or other member chairing the meeting officially adjourns the meeting.

10.  All voting is conducted on a one individual/one vote basis, regardless of the individual’s position in the community or in the People’s Congress.

11.  All proposed proclamations must be spoken or read aloud before voted upon and, once approved and proclaimed, official documents are autographed by hand and not by machine.

12.  All proposed law, policy, and projects must be considered with attention to their immediate consequences and future consequences for the community as a whole, groups and individuals within the community, neighbouring communities, and the environment.

Article Thirteen:  Amendments to Laws

1.   The proclamations of a People’s Congress may be amended by a vote of three quarters (75%) of the members of the People’s Congress, provided that the changes do not abrogate, undermine, or diminish the aim of the planetary restoration, Rights and Freedoms of the people, or the supremacy of the Universal Law, and true Rules of Law.

2.   The People’s Congress may not under any circumstances diminish or lessen the Rights and Freedoms of the people; it may only enlarge those Rights and Freedoms.

3.   (a)  Amendments established by the People’s Congress may be appealed and challenged by the Universal Law Court of the community and or by members of the community.

     (b)  Amendments that have been challenged but not found unacceptable under Universal Law, true Rules of Law, or the Rights and Freedoms of the people must nevertheless be ratified or rejected by the people of the community in a referendum held within one year of the challenge, with ratification requiring acceptance of the amendment or amendments by a minimum of three quarters (75%) of the community members qualified to vote.

     (c)  Amendments that have been challenged and await ratification or rejection through referendum may not be considered law until and unless ratified by the referendum.

     (d)  Repeated challenges to an amendment that effectively delay implementation of a law or project may be investigated by the Sheriff and the Court to determine the motivation of the challenger or challengers and whether the amendment needs to be revisited by the People’s Congress and the community as a whole.

4.   (a)  Dated and autographed Amendments to proclamations are appended to the original documents to maintain historical continuity.

     (b)  If a law or amendment is repealed, the dated and autographed Document of Repeal is attached to the front of the repealed law or amendment.

     (c)  Evidence on which a repeal or amendment is based must be attached to the Document of Repeal or the Amendment.

5.   Certain laws may not be repealed and or amended including and not limited to the Proclamation of Independence because of the nature of the law, and this specification is stated within the law and on the document that records the law.

Article Fourteen:  Funding

1.   Detailed People’s Congress budgets for operation of the People’s Congress and its Committees; for the Sheriff Department, People’s Militia, Court, and public facilities; for temporary adjunct bodies; for community-owned companies, and or for specific projects may be funded through taxation and or donations of the community and or through profits of community-owned businesses and or be funded through issuance of currency by the Treasury without debt obligation.

2.   Budgets must include documents detailing justification for the costs.

3.   No miscellaneous categories of expenses may be included in any budget; all costs and their purpose must be specified.

4.   People’s Congress budgets must be voted on and the ayes, nays, and abstentions recorded and submitted to the public along with the budget details if community funding is sought.

5.   A copy of each budget must be maintained in the People’s Congress Records and be accessible to the members of the community.

6.   All funding may be used only for the purpose for which it was budgeted and obtained; other use is a breach of trust and may result in action in law and or withdrawal of the funds.

7.   All project budgets require submission a minimum of six (6) months in advance of the signing of any contract and implementation of a project, the length of time required dependent upon the scope and cost of the project.

8.   Proposals must be submitted to all inhabitants of the community/region/state/country/territory/group of countries or territories in hard-copy paper written form of a maximum of twenty (20) pages. Proposals must be written in the language or languages of the inhabitants affected by the proposed projects and in simple terms that can be comprehended by an average six-year-old.

9.   Proposals must contain no ambiguity, deception, or fraud.

10.  Consent to proposals may not be coerced in any way and consent may not be implied but must be clear, explicit, and in writing on paper.

11.  Consent may be revoked, and no consent exists where there has been fraud, deception, ambiguity, or coercion used to obtain the appearance of consent.

Article Fifteen:  Compensation for People’s Congress Members

1.   General attendees at People’s Congress meetings are volunteers without pay or the People’s Congress may choose to give a token sum or other incentive to all who attend meetings to aid in organization and functioning of the community.

2.   (a)  Executive and Committee members and employees submit detailed vouchers with receipts for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred while fulfilling duties of office.

     (b)  Claims without valid receipts are not honoured.

     (c)  Reasonable expenses are here defined as those specifically related to the member’s People’s Congress or Committee or employment function and or general and not luxurious living and travel expenses when performing those functions outside of the community.

3.   (a)  Compensation for People’s Congress Executive and Committee members during the period of their service may be awarded in a sum up to but not exceeding the amount of the basic pension for seniors of the community; such compensation must be voted and approved by the entire People’s Congress.

     (b)  All People’s Congress Executive and Committee members receive the same amount of general compensation regardless of function or position.

     (c)  Compensation for all People’s Congress employees is equal to the amount of the basic pension for seniors of the community.

Article Sixteen:  Provisional Governing Body

1.   At the establishment of the People’s Congress of a Sovereign Community, those who autograph the foundational documents may form a temporary provisional People’s Congress, maintained for six (6) years or until the permanent People’s Congress Executive is elected or selected.

2.   The provisional People’s Congress and its Executive and Committees have the full powers and responsibilities described herein.

3.   An election or selection process must be initiated within six (6) years of the establishment of a People’s Congress.

Article Seventeen: Implementation

1.   This Proclamation takes effect immediately upon being spoken and autographed.

2.         This Proclamation may not be amended in any way that nullifies its purpose and or its alignment with Universal Law, true Rules of Law, and or the Rights and Freedoms of all men and women.

We living men and women affix our autographs to this Proclamation as proof of its lawful ratification in the Sovereign Community of ________________________________ in the Sovereign State/Region of ________________________________ in the Sovereign Country/Territory of ____________________________.

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

_______________________________  ______________________________

Dated: _____________________________________________

Code of Conduct For People’s Congress



MANAGE ENERGY rather than waste it on gossip, backbiting, hostility, personal likes and dislikes, and accusations.

Recognize that we all have good days and bad; so, do not judge people on the basis of a single incident unless it involves threat or other true harm.

If someone behaves in a threatening or harmful manner, he or she can be removed from the session. If he or she does not threaten or cause harm but goes against the congressional rules of structure and disrupts the meeting, the members can vote on whether to remove that individual.





BE HONEST with yourself as well as with everyone else.


Listen to your heart and conscience for guidance.

If you have a complaint: First, consider whether you are being fair or unduly judgemental. If upon reflection the complaint remains, report it using a Grievance Form.

Proposals on the agenda: Those who submit proposals (or any who volunteer to help by doing the presentation for the originator) are given the floor and describe the proposal and its purpose, costs, requirements, etc. If there is to be no debate, the proposal is voted on and carries or fails accordingly. If questions arise or discussions ensue, the vote may be postponed to another meeting date in order to accommodate suggestions and to obtain needed information. Once the vote is taken, the project either proceeds or is dropped.

* Proposals that have been rejected can be appealed or resubmitted only if adjustments are made to improve the original proposal, or to eliminate problems that caused rejection.

Worth investigating:

A deep dive into the history of law and the systems in use today can be found in the videos of Frank O’Collins.

One more viewpoint of interest:

The following is an actual proclamation made by leaders of native peoples in Canada. Whether one agrees with it, it has been declared. What will come of it is yet to be seen.

A Proclamation from the Elders:

The Killers of our children are not welcome here! The Catholic, Anglican, and United churches are banished from our lands! We are traditional elders of the Ahousaht, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Cowichan, Squamish, Sto:lo, Tsilhqotin, Cree, Metis, Anishinaabe-Ojibwe, Haudenosaunee, Mohawk, Huron, Miqmaq, Dene, and Inuit Nations. We speak by the authority of the Great Law. All of us are survivors of a war of extermination waged against us by the Catholic, Anglican, and United churches of Canada. These churches ran the genocidal ‘Indian residential schools’ that killed over 60,000 of our children. They got away with their crime by a few words of “apology”. And today they are still trafficking and murdering our women and children along with the government and China. Therefore, according to the Great Law, we Elders assembled at Council Fire proclaim that these churches, their priests, and their officials are now and forever banished from our nations across Canada. They must immediately depart or face arrest by our Peacekeepers. We also reclaim their lands, their church buildings, and the wealth they stole from us as reparations for their slaughter of our people. We will be enforcing this Proclamation in reclamation ceremonies at these churches. We authorize all our people and their allies to assist us in evicting these churches from our nations and seizing and occupying their buildings for the welfare of all our people. We make this action in league with our white brother Eagle Strong Voice, the legal agent of traditional Squamish chief Kiapilano, who evicted these churches from Vancouver on March 4, 2008. We name Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice as a Peacekeeper and liaison to our nations. Issued by us at Council Fire on Monday, June 26, 2023 under the Great Law., (not considered a secure site)