Moving forward in uncertain times

What is going on?
Many people are surprised to discover that what others perceive as reality is not what they consider reality. Of course, we all come from different backgrounds and have different experiences that form our perspective. But we also have a strong tendency to focus all attention on our personal circle of family, friends, and colleagues, and on our day-to-day activities and near-future plans. Beyond that, most of us have little knowledge or understanding of what is happening that might someday, in some way, impact us.
So what one person sees and reacts to goes unnoticed or ignored by someone else, who may call the other a “conspiracy theorist” or use some other dismissive label.
Just conspiracy theories?
Many, in fact most people have been ignoring the reality in our faces that governments and agencies are giving themselves rights and taking ours away, and that what we are told by “authorities” and “experts” and mainstream media in general does not add up.
Daily, now, there are doctors and others, even politicians, speaking out about the fraud and the harm caused in the name of “science” and “health” and “climate.”
So those who have been labelled “conspiracy nuts” are being backed up, their “theories” confirmed. They are batting a thousand, and that is a reality that more and more people are forced to confront.
The trouble is, most of us want someone else to fix the world we finally see is broken. We want a new reality, but ask that someone else create it.
Why do we ask others for what we can — and ultimately must — create ourselves?
Because we have bought into the notion that (a) we have no power and perhaps deserve no better than the world we see around us, (b) the seen and unseen “they” have all power and authority, (c) we have to follow the rules they impose and that they want us to believe are sacrosanct and out of our control, (d) the systems by which our societies run are essential, the best that has ever been produced, and only fail when the “wrong” people are in charge, and (e) change is the unknown and is therefore scary.
Last, but by no means least, we have been taught to believe that we must go it alone, that we cannot trust each other, that we must fear and avoid each other.
And so, believing all that bunk, we do not allow ourselves to imagine anything better, much less create something better.
This website, like others springing up all over cyberspace, was made to help change that: to offer alternative ideas; alternatives to relying on the top-down approach that has failed repeatedly throughout history and is, ultimately, the very source of most of our problems; and alternative ways of living on this earth and with each other.
Let us turn all the I’s of this world to We. And let us give our children, our grandchildren, and all our posterity a better world.
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
– R. Buckminster Fuller
While the material for this site has been gleaned from many sources, much of the information and many of the ideas are attributable to the THI Show and to The New Blueprint for Humanity. Both are highly recommended, and we thank their originators and staff for all their hard work.
And if you dare to think outside the box we have all been crammed into from birth, if you wish to join the ever-expanding legions willing to roll up our sleeves and make the world a better place for us all, read on through these pages.
We’re in this together.

On this site
The pages accessed through links at the top of the page each provide different information you may find useful.
Where do we go from here
Things to consider, especially if it “hits the fan” and action must be taken immediately .
Think Different
New ways to look at old issues.
Getting Creative
Thinking outside the boxes we have been taught to consider “normal.”
Keep It Simple
A little bit of common sense goes a long way. As the Japanese say: Less is more.
What do we really need and want? And how do we achieve what is best for us all?
We The People
A few ways to handle the formalities that most of us still feel we need in order to establish our sovereignty and to ensure we all know what is lawful.
New Ways and Old
We’ve lost many of the skills that our not-so-distant ancestors considered ordinary knowledge and abilities. Here, find links to sites that offer some of that knowledge and how-to.
Contributor Suggestions
Ideas from ordinary people like us. If you have information or ideas to share, use the contact form accessed through a link at the bottom left of any page on the site.
An Historic Speech
Insights and common sense from the other side of the planet.