For those who missed the Terms of Use, including Privacy section and cookies policy, on the Home Page of this website:


“We” and “us” and “our” includes the owners and administrators of this website, and any and all employees of the owners and administrators of this website.

“You” and “your” is any visitor to this website.

“Third party” and “Third parties” includes all websites and their owners and employees and associates linked to or from this website and the owners and employees and associates of the platform and host of this website, the internet service providers of this website, and the creators and or owners of any software of this website including and not limited to providers of the theme, fonts, plugins, and images used on this website, all of which have their own Terms and Privacy Policies.

General Terms

If you interact with this website, you in effect consent to these Terms of Use whether or not you have made the effort to read them.

We use security software for the website; however, no security is guaranteed to fully protect the website, its contents, or visitors to the website from malware of any kind. Browsing and use of this website is at your own discretion and at your own risk.

Copying by any means or downloading of documents from this website is at your own discretion and at your own risk.

Contributing of ideas or information on this website or through our Contact Form is at your own discretion and at your own risk.

If you take offence at any of the content of this website, you do so as your own free will choice to feel offended and thus the responsibility for that choice and its consequences is your own.


The information offered on this website is provided as is. We do not guarantee that it is complete, fully accurate, or fit for a given purpose. It is your responsibility to research and verify the information before accepting it for your own use.

Any downloads offered on or through this website are provided as is. We do not guarantee that they are complete, accurate, or fit for a given purpose.

The information offered on this website (a) proposes practical rules by which communities, regions, and countries can organize themselves to move beyond the failed systems of the past; and (b) includes links to other websites with similar and or alternative ideas for restoration of this planet.

Please note that, given the dynamic nature of the internet, some links may have become obsolete at the time you read this.


The platforms of all internet websites place small text packages called “cookies” on any device from which a visitor lands on the website, and the platforms use data including the type of device, the browser, and other non-personal information to enable the visitor to view and interact with the website. Cookies also track visitors and their use of the website, which enables security software to trace and potentially to identify malicious actors, and to block known threats; it is therefore in the best interests of all internet users to accept the use of functional cookies. Nevertheless, the option to accept or deny consent to cookies is provided. We are currently having technical difficulties with our cookie consent functionality in certain browsers, so if you do not see the cookie popup, please leave the site, clear cookies in your browser, and try another browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Yandex.

We do not knowingly use cookies that link to social media or to advertisers. However, though we deny consent to spying and data harvesting, we cannot guarantee that Third Party software used by this website, the host provider, the internet server, or your browser do not harvest data without your or our knowledge and permission.

Cookies can be blocked by browser software. They can also be deleted after leaving the website. We recommend deleting all cookies as part of your daily routine.

The links we choose to offer are clearly identified as connecting to specific alternate websites. It is your choice whether to follow those links, and you do so at your own risk. Please note that Third party websites have separate Terms and Privacy Policies and we are not responsible for those Terms and Policies nor for the content or security of those sites.

Through a newly acquired “plugin,” we are now testing an analytical tool set to indicate, in overview, visits to the website and to our pages. Why have we decided to try it? Simply to know whether we have been “discovered.” If you do not consent, please leave this website. But before you go, please note that the data collected includes number of visitors, number of pages actually viewed, type of device, and whether or not a new visitor – all in very general graphics, numerical, and percentage form, without personally identifiable information. Old data is set to be deleted after a year so as not to clutter the website. And “Do not track” requests are honoured.

We are not interested in your personal data; however, if you use our contact form, you authorize us to collect the personal information you disclose, including your name, email address, and whatever other information you have chosen to share. By using our contact form, you also authorize us to respond by email. If you share suggestions with us, you authorize us to include those suggestions on our website, with or without modifications such as spelling and grammar corrections and at our discretion, as an anonymous contributor.


It is the responsibility of parents and other caregivers to monitor the use of the internet by children under their care. We do not consider any of the information on this website to be unsuitable for children, though it may be beyond the understanding of younger children. If we are advised that a child has given us personal information through our contact form, we will delete it as requested.

Property Rights

In general, all ideas come from the Collective Consciousness and are therefore owned by all.

The owners of this website make no claim to ownership of the information provided. Much of this information can be found on other websites and in documents, videos, and books.

The ideas offered on this website are given freely in hope that readers will consider the concepts, implement practical rules with or without modification, and practice appropriate skill sets as means to benefit all inhabitants of their communities, regions, and countries, and ultimately to improve the functioning of all societies of this planet.

Quotations and memes used on this website are the property of the originators.


We and you are subject to Universal Law and true Rules of Law, both of which apply across this entire planet and beyond, and no other form of law or claim of jurisdiction can supersede or abrogate Universal Law and true Rules of Law.


If you choose to interact with this website, you accept these Terms of Use and Privacy policy whether or not you have made the effort to read them and whether or not you consider them acceptable.

As stated above, you visit and read the information on this website at your own risk. If you object to any part of this website or its contents, you have the free will choice to leave the website, to reject the information, to refuse to avail yourself of downloads or links, and to delete cookies and any information you have downloaded or copied.

We are not responsible for your use of this website; your reaction to the information on this website; your actions based on the information on this website or your reaction to it; or the consequences of your use, reactions, and actions, whether or not lawful and whether or not related to this website and the information on it or obtained through provided links.

We disclaim any liability and shall be indemnified and held harmless from any demands, loss, liability, claims, or expenses made by any party due to or arising out of or in connection with any differences between any previous official or non-official versions of this website, your use of this website, and or your failure to abide by these Terms of Use.

Nothing on this website may be construed to advocate, promote, or condone violence, immorality, or wrongdoing.

A party that threatens, makes, or enacts any demand or action against us hereby acknowledges having read this disclaimer and having agreed with this binding legal agreement and irrevocably consents to us and our competent forums as being original and primary jurisdiction for resolving any issue of fact and law.