The point of “omnibus bills” and other documents hundreds of pages long purporting to be law is and has always been to hide unacceptable and or conflicting clauses and to cause the public to balk at actually reading them. Indeed, most politicians do not read them either.

Real law, valid law, needs to be simple, clear, consistent, brief, acceptable, in alignment with Universal principles of law, fulfill a purpose, and make sense.

Practical Solutions

Here are a few more ideas to consider, from a variety of sources.

Food Products

Foodstuffs and drinks of all kinds must be safe and healthful for the species for which they are created, and or to which they are marketed and sold or gifted.

Poisons, processes, and packaging that in any way render foodstuffs and or drinks unsafe and or not healthful for the species for which they are created and for which they are marketed and sold or gifted are prohibited.

Containers and tools of any kind that are designed for use with foodstuffs and or drinks must be safe for such use and all containers and tools that have the effect of poisoning foodstuffs and or drinks are prohibited.

No law may prohibit production, marketing, sale or gifting, purchase, or consumption of foodstuffs and or drinks that are benign and or beneficial for the species that consumes them.

Food and feed production facilities must be kept clean.

To grow or manufacture and or package and or market and or sell or gift foodstuffs and or drinks that are poisonous or otherwise harmful to the intended consumer is a Crime with penalty imposed by jury commensurate with degree of harm caused.

Labels must list all ingredients in plain language and with accurate percentages of each by standardized measure of weight or volume. Labelling in a deceptive manner is a Crime with penalty imposed by jury commensurate with harm caused.

The New Blueprint for Humanity has a considerable number of solutions pertaining to food, shortages, and essential services.


Harvesting of precipitation from roof runoff or other collection systems and or by means of ponds and swales is encouraged and may not be prohibited.

Systems that divert surface waters including and not limited to streams and rivers and for any purpose must divert flow in a manner that prevents harm to the wildlife of the surface waters.

No one may dump industrial or any other form of polluting effluents or substances into surface or subsurface waters, and polluting waters is a Crime with penalty imposed by jury commensurate with harm caused.

No one may siphon surface or subsurface waters in quantities that deplete the water bodies to a degree that cannot be replaced by natural processes.

Dams are prohibited as it is the nature of water to flow. Hydropower dams must be removed gradually and their power generation function replaced by small-scale generation systems that foster energy independence.

The New Blueprint for Humanity solutions tackle Water and Disaster Relief such as flooding.

Waste Disposal

Waste is to be considered a resource and waste disposal systems and programs addressed with the intention of turning each form of waste to an appropriate beneficial purpose as well as maintaining sanitation and safety for the present and the future.

Cash for Trash programs encourage people and organizations to bring refuse to established collection depots and to clean up neighbourhoods and natural areas that have become littered with garbage. Garbage including and not limited to plastics of any kind is disposed of in a manner that causes no pollution of air, land, or water and that may produce energy or provide other secondary benefit to the community.

Greywater and blackwater systems that purify wastewater from household and toilet facilities through natural processes may be implemented for homes and business establishments.

HUmanure provides excellent compost for planting, and fresh HUmanure in combination with high oxygen levels has been proven to break down substances such as lightbulbs that would otherwise bloat landfills and potentially pollute water tables and soils. HUmanure collection may be implemented to harvest HUmanure for oxygenated landfill cleanup programs. Both public and private toilet facilities may be standardized to facilitate regular collection. Where communal collection is not implemented, homes and businesses may create composting systems appropriate to their needs for disposal and use of toilet waste.

Constructed wetlands may be created on small and or large scales to treat community wastewater.


All plastics including and not limited to packaging, lamination of other substances or objects, and tools must be readily, easily, and safely degradable at end of use without causing harmful emissions or effluents or becoming a potential hazard to life forms.

All plastics that have a poisonous or otherwise deleterious effect on life forms including and not limited to when used or stored or damaged are prohibited.

Manufacture and or use and or marketing and or sale or gift and or unsafe disposal of harmful plastics is a Crime with penalty imposed by jury commensurate with harm caused.

Traffic Rules

All living beings and objects have the right to the space they occupy.

No one has the right of way under any circumstances.

Anyone that causes an accident is accountable under law for the accident and its consequences, and penalty may be imposed by jury commensurate with degree of harm caused if compensation offered to claimant or claimants is not accepted.

All forms of liability insurance and assurance are prohibited.

Anyone that, while operating a vehicle, becomes aware of a situation including and not limited to a wildfire, a flood, an accident or circumstance likely to lead to an accident, or a being in distress is required by common decency  to intervene if possible and safe to do so and or to report the situation as soon as possible to the nearest emergency services organization or other official authority such as air traffic control, harbour master or coast guard, fire department, ambulance service, sheriff department, militia unit, or People’s Congress as appropriate.

Vehicles require a standardized form of identification in case of mishap.

Identification Documents

Some may dispute the need for identification documents, but in emergencies, they prove useful to identify accident victims and, in general, they can be used to secure bank accounts and land titles.

Any People’s Congress may issue identification documents to the inhabitants within its jurisdiction.

A People’s Congress may issue to other jurisdictions sample copies of the official identification documents it creates in order to ensure that the documents are accepted outside its jurisdiction. The People’s Congress maintains a list of jurisdictions that accept the documents.

Individuals may print their own identification documents for use within their community. If these are approved and validated by the People’s Congress, they may be used in all jurisdictions that have been notified of the documents issued by the People’s Congress.


In our opinion, all media organizations and personnel must be required to disseminate truth and are forbidden to knowingly disseminate fallacies and or lies.

All libraries must be required to maintain media that disseminate truth and are forbidden to knowingly maintain and or promote fallacies and or lies.

All schools and similar facilities and services must be required to teach truth and are forbidden to knowingly disseminate fallacies and or lies.

If information is proven to be false or deceptive, media must be required to retract such information and expose truth, libraries required to remove such information, and schools and similar facilities and services required to notify students of the inaccuracy and to revise the teaching curriculum to reflect true information.

Deliberate dissemination of false information and or censorship of true information causes harm, and is therefore a Crime.

The New Blueprint for Humanity has solutions for media and for learning.


Given that large amounts of money and energy have been spent upon advertising in various forms including and not limited to weekly flyers and that benefits have been limited at best, advertising is not required and is discouraged.

Instead, providers of products and services in each community can be listed on a community website and or on community notice boards so that members of the community can find such services and goods. Notices are simple, unembellished, and of standard format giving the name of the company, its location and contact details, its hours and days of business, the specific products and or services offered, prices (optional), and any applicable client requirements such as contract or membership.

Help wanted posters could also be placed on the notice boards and or website, specifying the name and business of the company, the location and contact details, its hours of business, the type of work and compensation offered, and relevant candidate skill requirements.

Measures and Manufacture

Measures and sizes must be standardized to prevent deceptive or wasteful practices.

Components of machines including and not limited to computers and vehicles must be standardized to facilitate manufacture, use, and repair.

Fasteners including and not limited to screws and staples must be standardized to facilitate manufacture and use.

The practice of planned obsolescence in manufacture is prohibited as a Crime with penalty imposed by jury commensurate with harm or loss caused.

Manufactured goods must be made in a manner that is safe for workers during fabrication, safe for the user, and allows repair and end-of-use recycling or other form of disposal that does not pollute the environment.

Again, The New Blueprint for Humanity has solutions pertaining to science and to production proposed by the team that created it.

Documents and Rights

Licences and permits are not required for any purpose as licences and permits were created in the old system of rulership to take rights away from people and sell back a temporary permission to exercise those rights. Licences and permits are a form of slavery and theft.

Registration of a company, organization, or document is not required as that system was created in the old system of rulership to control all productive activities and to sell permission to engage in activities. Registration is a form of slavery and theft.

Incorporation of a company is not required as it was created in the old system of rulership to invent a “corporate person,” a legal fiction, and grant the fiction the rights of a natural person and to limit the liability of the company and its officers and shareholders. Further, incorporation involves payment of money and ceding control to those granting incorporated status. Thus, incorporation was created as a means of slavery and theft as well as means of evading responsibility.

Legal fictions may not exist and have no force or effect in law. Liability for wrongdoing may not be limited by incorporation or any other method of attempting to circumvent law and responsibility. No organization has rights of or superior to a natural person under any circumstances. No being or entity or organization may claim authority to impose or authorize licences, permits, registration, or incorporation under any guise or name, or to impose payment of any form of tribute.

Recording of documents in a facility provided by a People’s Congress allows individuals, families, organizations, and companies backup storage of personal and official documents. The degree of privacy or access may be specified by those submitting documents. Such recording grants to the People’s Congress no ownership or control of the documents, of any matters represented in or by the documents, or of the people or organizations recording the documents.

Certificates indicating level of skill may be required for all instructors and many forms of trades and professions. Certificates grant no control or privileges or rights to those issuing the certificates and must be earned by the recipients through acquisition of skill and or knowledge.

Records, documents including and not limited to identification documents, certificates, autographs, and thumbprints and other similar identifiers may not be monetized as negotiable instruments.



In order to at least maintain population levels, each woman must produce, on average, three (3) children. Given that many women, for one reason or another, give birth to less than three or even no children, it would be prudent to increase the family size recommended to at least six (6) children.

A shift to larger families requires incentives, as society for too long has encouraged, or promoted through poisons, a lowered birth rate that is now coming home to roost in catastrophic population decline in countries worldwide. Therefore, each family receives non-taxable and non-refundable financial benefit for each child, to aid in child care costs.

Because of the genocide programs implemented covertly for thousands of years and by various means, programs that have drastically reduced the population of genetic white peoples to near-extinction levels, therefore genetic white families need priority in all population and family programs. (For in-depth information on this issue, see the From His Story to Our Story series of books on the THI website.)

Parents are not owners of their natural or adopted or fostered children but are guardians responsible for the welfare of the children.


To improve child health, the practice of cutting the umbilical cord immediately after birth is prohibited, with penalty for the Crime of severing the umbilical cord a minimum of twelve (12) years of community labour at minimum wage without supplementation, ban from the Family Domain program, and ban from service in healthcare professions and facilities. The umbilical cord must be allowed to detach naturally, and both umbilical cord and placenta may be maintained by the family.

Mothers are encouraged to give birth at home, in the presence of the father, and in water as this eases birth. Birth in a hospital or other medical facility is allowed only in the event of extreme danger to the mother or child.

Death rituals involving silver nitrate and other rituals performed at time of birth as well as registration of children with corporations or other organizations are practices now prohibited. A record of birth deposited in the community archives and or a certificate of birth issued by the People’s Congress grants no rights of ownership or control of the child to the community or the People’s Congress.

Time Keeping

Do we need “Daylight Savings”/Summer Time? No. To paraphrase a famous quote, “Only government would claim that cutting the top off a blanket and sewing it to the bottom would make the blanket longer.” The number of accidents of all sorts is known to increase when societies switch from Standard Time to “Daylight Savings” Time and back. No good is served by the changes; therefore, ending the shift in Spring and Autumn is sensible.

Leaving Time Zones as currently standardized but without the summer change would require minimal adjustment overall.

Why must our hours be 60 minutes, our days 24 hours, our weeks 7 days with a 1- or 2-day weekend, our months variable in length? In ancient times, an hour was 90 minutes, a day 16 hours, a week 9 days with alternating work and rest or recreation days. Granted, the ancients had variable months, but other options exist; for example, four 9-day weeks make 10 months of 36 days each plus an extra period of 5 to 6 days (6 days every fourth year) that could be set aside as a special annual celebration.

Or a week could consist of 6 days, three for work and three for other activities and rest. A five-week month would then be 30 days and the year be 12 months with 5 to 6 days extra to account for the odd orbital period of our planet around the sun.

Some favour a 7-day week with 4 days of work and 3 days for other pursuits, whether the latter is all together or alternating with the work days. Standardizing 7-day weeks to 28-day months would give us 13 months with 1 day left over, 2 in Leap Years.

The point is that there are a variety of options that could be more useful and beneficial than those we have been operating under. The primary difficulty would be in coming to a consensus planet-wide as to how to break up our increments of time in order to facilitate coordination of activities country-to-country when appropriate.

Think of re-ordering of time as an opportunity for lively discussions, as have occurred among people who regularly listen to THI podcasts, many of which have referenced Time.