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From Readers

With all I’ve read lately about incorporation of communities, and about the labels like republic and democracy that are not what we have been taught to think they are, how about a constitution that is not registered or incorporated with any outside organization, just people agreeing to it?

Why not set up a system where we just pay for the services we use? Like schools and garbage and recycling?

Money has always been created out of thin air. Like the defunct Canadian Action Party explained, the central Bank of Canada originally created money free of interest, before the government started buying money from banking corporations, thus creating an ever-increasing debt. Let’s go back to that. The money gets printed, sent to banks, and we withdraw it and use it.

About the free money system somebody proposed above, just printing it, that is fiat money, with no value behind it, like gold. But I’ve read a site that says you can set the value of the money and not allow inflation. Not sure how that would work, but after thinking about it, I realized that even if you back money with gold or something else, its value is what somebody decides. The question then is, who is making that decision? I figure it should be the people, not some rich guys that say its one price one day and another price the next and profit off the difference while the rest of us scramble to keep up.

If we have a bank or treasury to make money, why do we need taxes at all? The government that makes the money can make enough to pay for itself and the services it provides. And that will filter through the economy.

People not being able to own their own land seems like communism to me.

To the guy afraid of communism: The idea I have read here is that we ALL own the land. That’s an old idea common in indigenous cultures before “civilization” intruded with lawyers and bankers and politicians to facilitate legalized theft of property. But, according to the proposal of family domains and dachas, the chunk of land we live on is ours to do with as we please–assuming we’re not polluting the whole water table or otherwise creating problems for everybody. What’s wrong with that? As it is, our mortgages say we’re just tenants even if we live long enough to pay them off. Read the fine print no lawyer or bank is going to point out. THAT sounds like communism to me. The World Economic Forum telling us that “You’ll own nothing and be happy” comes to mind. Personally, I don’t mind the idea of just living where I am, free of charge. Trying to sell and move is a tiresome and frustrating exercise.

About money: I figure inflation doesn’t come from printing money. Nobody knows just how much is out there, anyway. Except maybe the bankers who invent it in the first place. But what is inflation: rising prices. And that means that big companies keep jacking up their prices out of greed, and small fry jack up their prices to keep up with their costs and keep themselves afloat. Trouble is, people’s incomes don’t keep up, so businesses keep losing customers and income. Then, the dumb ones increase their prices again to make up for it, and lose more customers who can’t afford whatever they’re selling. It’s a top-down scam, in my opinion. And that can be fixed by relying on local products and services. Feed the small fry and starve the big fish, I say.

There’s a lot of talk out there about ID and how invasive the digital ones are. The draw for digital is one card (or chip or whatever). Why not one card for everything? Same style across the country or even the world. No more having to carry a half dozen or more. Free from the locality where you live would be a bonus. After all, the local government or council can verify who you are better than some capital miles away. As for forgeries and stolen cards, that happens anyway, so it’s no excuse not to consider the idea.