Our societies have been denied important information that all need to know. We are discouraged from questioning what we are told and what we have come to believe. Why? Because knowledge is power, and truth sets us free.

Here is just a sample of what should be considered common knowledge and common sense. We must each seek a true understanding of reality, so that we can live and thrive in harmony on all levels of our being and within our communities.

What is Law?

The only true Law is Universal Law, also known as Divine Law and as Natural Law, and it is inherent in the Nature of the Universe―in how the Universe works on an energetic level, as Divinely created by the Source of Creation. Denial of this Truth does not negate it.

All are equally subject to Universal Law and no one is above Universal Law.

It is the nature of Universal Law that violation of it has Consequences. The Consequences of wrongful actions and inactions cannot be escaped, and if they are delayed for any reason, the severity of the Consequences increases in direct relation to the length of the delay.

Intentions are thoughts with energy, frequency, and vibration, just as actions are, and all actions and intentions have energetic Consequences that match their frequency and vibration. In other words, be careful what you do and what you wish for.

Summary of Universal Law:

Cause / intend no harm or loss.

Speak no deception or harm.

Accept / allow no harm.

In other words: Behave in a Moral fashion.

What is Morality?

First, we must define what Morality is NOT. Morality is not an invention of any individual or group. It is not arbitrary or open to debate. It is not relative; that is, it is not subject to selfish whims, politics or legal systems, religious or other beliefs, dogma, opinions, perceptions, feelings or emotions, convenience, likes and dislikes, majority group-think, location, or time period.

What Morality IS: Morality is recognition of and living by right behaviour instead of wrong behaviour; in other words, it is recognizing and living by Universal / Divine / Natural Law. What is Moral and correct and lawful is Moral and correct and lawful in all times and places.

What is Immoral is wrongful and unlawful in all times and places, and no claims to the contrary change that Truth. Wrong does not become right over time, with repetition, because it is done or accepted by a majority or by those in positions of influence, because it is proclaimed by false law, because it is done out of ignorance or expedience, or because it is done under claims that it is necessary for the “greater good” or “common good” or “public good.”

As Morality increases, Freedom increases. As Morality declines, Freedom declines. That is why Morality is attacked and undermined by those of malicious intent, with false claims that it is “relative” or that it is a “social construct” for governments or religions to define. Destroying Morality is a method of destroying true Law in order to impose slavery.

Summary of Morality:

Cause / intend no harm or loss to another.

Speak no deception or harm to or of another.

Accept / allow no harm to self or another.

For Clarity, the following are harmful and Immoral actions that no one has a right to take:

Murder, defined here as taking another’s life wrongfully; that is, unlawfully, in violation of Universal / Divine / Natural Law and the Rights of the other. Note that killing is lawful if it is done in order to defend oneself and or others against a violation of Universal / Divine / Natural Law; it is a response to violation of true Law.

Assault, defined here as unlawful taking of another’s physical well-being.

Rape, defined here as taking another’s sexual autonomy and or emotional, mental / psychological, and psychic well-being.

Property Theft, defined here as unlawfully taking another’s personal property, against the Free Will of that other, and includes and is not limited to taking that other’s body or any part of physical body; labour; products of labour; and any and all Rights.

Trespass, defined here as taking another’s security through action denying or invading privacy without permission or consent, and or invading or denying reasonable personal space.

Coercion, defined here as taking another’s Free Will through threat or violence. Any denial of Free Will choice, including and not limited to presuming consent that is not expressly given and or penalizing non-consent, is coercion.

Deception, defined here as lies and also deliberate omission and or obscuring of Truth.

Being truly Moral expressed in a nutshell:

Live in accordance with Universal / Divine / Natural Law.

Respect others’ Rights, which is described by the Golden Rule: Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Live and let live: What others do and how others live is none of our business unless they cause harm. The vices of pride, greed, gluttony, envy, lust, sloth, and unrighteous anger often described as sins are personal choices with personal Consequences, and while we may not approve of them, we have no right to take Free Will choice from others unless such choice causes harm to someone else.

What is Violence?

What Violence IS: Violence is harm caused through aggression in violation of Rights and Universal / Divine / Natural Law.

What Violence is NOT: Violence is not defence against aggression in violation of Rights and Universal / Divine / Natural Law.

What are our Rights?

We all have the Right to:

Free Will

Consent or deny consent or revoke consent

Freedom to live as we choose as long as we do so in alignment with Universal / Divine / Natural Law



Physical and sexual wellbeing and autonomy

Emotional, mental / psychological wellbeing and autonomy

Security of personal Property

Defend Self, Family, Others, Property against violation of Universal / Divine / Natural Law

Personal Property including and not limited to our Body and all its parts including Genetics; Soul; Spirit; Conscience; Mind; Thoughts; Feelings; Aptitudes; Knowledge; Responsibility to care for Offspring and or other dependents; our own Creations; Dreams and Ambitions; Skills and Talents; Labour and products of Labour; Claims in Law; and Home and other personal objects whether bought, created, or gifted; our own uniqueness

Access to the Basics of Life: adequate amounts of healthful and nourishing Food; clean Water; Shelter / Home; appropriate Clothing; Energy; Healthcare if required

Quality of Life: access to Learning, Communication; Travel as required

Equal access to the resources of the planet, including Land, Water, Air, inground resources and natural resources.

NOTE: Because all ideas come from the Collective Consciousness―the energetic “soup” of thoughts and emotions all around us―ownership of ideas cannot be substantiated. Therefore, ideas alone cannot be considered personal Property. Though products created from ideas, such as works of art or literature or designs of handmade objects, may be owned as personal Property, in the event that similar creations are produced, only clearly proven theft of another’s creation can be considered unlawful. Therefore, an agreement may be required of creators of similar products, by which all creators share the benefits of their creations in some mutually accepted way.

What is Consent?

First, we must define what is NOT Consent. Silence is not consent. Consent cannot be implied or presumed, as governments and BAR Guild courts and lawyers would have us believe. Further, accepting or doing something out of necessity, coercion, misapprehension, mistake, or ignorance is not consent.

What Consent IS: Consent is the granting by one party of permission to another party to do or not do something specific, or the accepting of an obligation to do or not do something specific.

To be valid, consent requires:

the capability, at the time of granting consent, of sound mind and adult mental capacity not under an influence that diminishes mental capacity, such as drugs, alcohol, or illness;

the employment of reason and careful consideration, of weighing the balance of risks and benefits of such consent, of actually exercising mental capacity to make a sound choice;

Free Will to consent, without coercion, duress, or undue influence, without force or pressure or manipulation to agree;

a particular action, inaction, or transaction, under specified conditions and timeframe, with specified risks and benefits as the subject of consent;

clear understanding of the nature, risks, benefits, and implications of what is being agreed to, and one asked to consent must be provided with all relevant information in order to make an informed decision;

a clear decision expressed as a yes or an affirmative statement of permission or agreement if verbal, and or expressed in writing as unmistakable approval; and

Consent to an agreement of any kind requires evidence, proof of approval, and proof of all the elements necessary for valid consent; and

Consent to an agreement of any kind requires that the grantor of consent be able to revoke consent up until the agreement is executed, after which the Right to rescind / cancel the agreement remains in effect, in case it be discovered later that one or more parties to the agreement failed to meet the standards / elements of a valid agreement.

What is money?

What money is NOT is a true measure of value.

Money is pieces of paper or metal or plastic or digital account entries with numbers on them, that represent our labour, our energy, and that are considered to be a useful medium of exchange. In reality, they are a method of theft and enslavement.

In any money system, the most valuable labour―the people providing the most useful and necessary services and goods―have low incomes, while the highest-paid people are the most useless and even counterproductive. Many products that require significant amounts of time and effort to make are low in price, thus not generating income in proportion with the effort expended; for example, production of books involves the time and work of many people from author to printer and distributor, but no one could buy a book if all those costs were included in the price. Thus, incomes do not equate to true value or to effort.

Meanwhile the most valuable items such as food and shelter should be low in monetary price because they are essential to survival, but their prices are too often high enough to keep low-income people struggling.

In other words, money systems are not useful tools of exchange, but instead are a convenient means for the few who control the system to enslave everyone else.


Large-scale exchanges, such as those between countries or regions or communities, are more efficiently and justly performed as barter of one set of goods and or services for another.

On the personal level, we can exchange goods and or services with each other, or we can gift our time, energy, ideas, and creations to each other as members of functional families do, and to our community for the benefit of all.

And why should we work long hours at jobs we hate that enrich the employer while keeping us scrambling to make ends meet—in order to pay others to grow our food, build our homes, make our clothes, care for our children, and perform all the other tasks we could do for ourselves or share with family and neighbours?

Why should we continue a way of living that keeps us feeling insecure because, deep down, we know we are dependent instead of being as self-sufficient as possible on individual, community, and regional levels?

Worldwide, we all need a major re-think of how we live and how our societies function.

What were we thinking?

To Rule: To control and deny Free Will and Rights of individuals or groups or whole populations.

Tyranny: Rule by force and significant or absolute denial of Free Will and Rights of a populace, maintained through violence.

Statism: The concept that some people have the “right,” often expressed as a “divine right,” to rule and command others, formed as “nations” or “states,” and that the inhabitants have a moral obligation to obey.

Government: The concept that a group of people have a “right” to make laws and rules designated by words such as “statutes” or “acts” in order to control all others within their “jurisdiction,” and have a “right” to impose penalties for disobedience, as well as to impose “taxes” and other forms of theft.

Authority: The concept that someone has the “right” to decide what is right and what is wrong, to effectively be above true Moral standards.

Democracy: The concept that the will of the majority must be obeyed whether or not it is Moral, thus denying the Free Will and Rights of all others. Other terms such as Republic have similar meanings.

Dictator: The concept that one man or woman has the “right” to rule, to control a populace. Dictatorships are generally associated with tyranny imposed upon the populace.

Monarch: The concept that an individual has a “divine right” to claim ownership of a portion of the planet and to rule its inhabitants.

Royalty: The concept that certain families have a “divine right” to claim ownership of a portion of the planet and to rule its inhabitants. These are usually close kin of a Monarch.

Aristocracy: The concept that certain families have a “divine right” to claim ownership of portions of a country and or wider portions of the planet and to control and command the inhabitants of those lands. These are usually blood kin of a Monarch or have sworn allegiance to the Monarch.

Bureaucracy: The concept that people in official positions have a “right” to dictate policy, practice, and to generally control and rule the inhabitants of an area, usually with specific areas of control such as health, collecting of taxes, or providing particular services to the publc.

Technocracy: The concept that scientists and those that design, own, and or control technical devices have the “right” and “qualifications” to control and rule the populace.

Taxation: A form of theft and ultimately of slavery, usually excused as being required to provide needed services to the public when in fact about 90% of all taxes are siphoned to The Crown (the Rothschild banking clan) and the Vatican without the knowledge or consent of the people paying the taxes. The governments actually run on debt and on the hidden Cestui Que Vie bond system that online fraudsters con people into thinking they can hack. It’s a big financial game, and we the people are not even on the board.

Letting go of these false concepts generally meets with such objections as “Without government, who would build the roads?”

Answer: People would build whatever they need, and not waste resources and effort on what merely enriches a few corrupt officials and corporations. People would take care of their own needs, as they did in the past when there were no governments, fake authorities, dictators, bureaucrats, or other charlatans pretending to have the right and capacity to do it for us. Look around: Roads and infrastructures are deteriorating everywhere while taxes and rules and general poverty increase and the charlatans lavish themselves with luxury: proof that “government” is NOT providing the services it claims we need it for.

Another objection is the notion that government is needed to protect us from criminals. In reality, governments ARE criminals, committing many violations of our true Rights and of Universal / Divine / Natural Law. Further, the BAR courts usually protect criminals and punish innocents. On the other hand, if we the people protect ourselves and each other, criminals will have much less chance of getting away with crime. In the Old West, towns where the people all defended themselves and each other against offenders were much safer than those that relied on a single man, or on a group of criminals with badges.

Expecting “states” and “governments” to take care of us like parents is not working. Time to grow up.

People coming together, creating and agreeing to a plan, organizing and managing their own lives and communities is called Voluntary Cooperation and has always proven effective in providing for the needs of the people instead of lining the pockets of thieves and other miscreants.

How did it come to this?

Methods of Mind Control

OBFUSCATION: Causing confusion of one thing for another

WORLD VIEW POISONING: Manipulating the way people view human nature and their own self-value

TRIGGERING OF PRIMAL FEAR: The exploitation of survival fears

DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Highlight any perceived differences between people (or invent new ones) and then promote us-against-them attitudes to create infighting so all sides are easier to control and conquer

INDOCTRINATION THROUGH SCHOOLS: Promoting non-thinking, non-questioning learning of facts and falsehoods by repetition in all levels of the system. (Trivium and quadrivium learning styles could counteract this.)

CONTROLLED OPPOSITION: Figures that appear to be on the side of the people, revealing truth and or proposing sensible solutions, thus giving hope, but they never actually resolve issues, usually because they are not in a position to effect improvement

MONETARY SYSTEM OF CONTROL: Debt-based fiat currency and fractional reserve banking is a system of illusion that we call money. It is predominantly invented out of thin air, is controlled by the bankers, and is designed to rob and impoverish the people―who are enslaved by the appearance of its necessity as a means of exchange

CONTROL OF MASS MEDIA: If you can control the information that people see, hear, and read, you control their perception of reality. If you limit the scope of what they can take into their minds and awareness, you limit their possibilities of recognizing enslavement programs and coming up with solutions. Human perception management is a primary tool of control of the people

FOOD AND MEDICINE: Attacks on the physical aspects of the body through poisons and malnutrition and medically-induced trauma affect our brain development and functioning, diminishing capacity for thought and consciousness, to keep the populace dumbed down and therefore controllable

ILLUSION OF TIME: This is very important for people to grasp. Getting people to live in regret over the past or anxiety over the future is a fear-based technique of mind control that takes us out of true present awareness―that is, the ability to be fully present now to take in what is happening now. If our consciousness can be manipulated into always looking into what has happened or what might happen, we fail to deal effectively with the current situation

DENIAL, HASSLE, RIDICULE: This technique promotes anxiety over what other people perceive about you. It is don’t-rock-the-boat syndrome, a fear of being labelled or shunned or harassed. It is summed up in the statement, “I don’t want all the uncomfortable aspects of life that come with standing up for truth.” The promotion of these fear-based attitudes keeps people in a trap of inactivity and not really doing anything to make things better

Understanding the last four is particularly important:

RELIGION: Religion is a form of mind-control that gives people an exoteric / external version of something that was once esoteric or internal. Government is the binding of the left brain, religion is the binding of the right brain. Religion promotes the idea that all power in life comes from outside us: the notion that we need a saviour, an intermediary such as a priest, or a specific set of rituals or type of clothing to curry favour to make everything better for us

USE OF SUBVERSIVE SYMBOLISM: Based on ancient sacred symbols that have been with us from antiquity such as Solar symbols, life force symbols, energy, blood, or anything we need for existence and life. These have a powerful psychic influence because they are a form of wordless communication that affects us subliminally, unconsciously. They are used everywhere in modern institutions—banks, police, media, stores—to control our actions and reactions

ARTIFICIAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION, KNOWN AS HEGELIAN DIALECTIC: Creating conflict that you already have a “fix” for. Create the conflict, wait for a specific type of reaction (usually chaos that demands a resolution), and then present a pre-determined means to resolve it that decreases freedom and increases control over the populace

PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION (CHAOS SORCERY): Hegelian dialectic can be used in a positive or negative sense, but in the negative, it is false-flag terrorism. This is a form of ritual magic being used openly in the light of day. A violent and chaotic situation is created that will elicit an extreme reaction of fear so  people are not in a state that they can reason but demand solutions purely out of emotion. This technique works over and over again: 9-11 was chaos sorcery. (This technique must be countered by remaining calm and clear-headed.)

Mind Control techniques used in cults

ISOLATION: Cult members (and potential members) are physically separated from family and or society. We humans are social creatures, and being cut off from each other in such an extreme way causes psychological trauma, which can cause (and has caused) self-harm and suicide. Examples include the COVID-19 “pandemic” in which people were convinced to isolate themselves in their homes. Police and military training is also always done in isolation away from public view.

CONFORMITY: There is no tolerance for any individuality within a cult. One’s old identity has to be completely broken down and re-formed into a “new normal.” Rigidity and sameness in appearance as well as sameness in speech and behaviors is fostered. This is why cults use uniforms that erase individuality and promote both self-identification with the group and separateness from those not in uniform. Again, we see this with police and military, in religious garb, and in the COVID era of mass mask-wearing.

INDOCTRINATION THROUGH REPETITION: Repetition is one of the most effective and powerful forms of mind control. With the use of rigorous schedules, instructions, and repetitive behaviours (stay six feet apart, use hand sanitizer, etc), the mind is indoctrinated by giving it the belief system over and over again until it is accepted unquestioningly. The technique is to keep repeating the lie until it is widely believed. Anyone who openly challenges the accepted cult narrative is declared an enemy (e.g. “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” “anti-vaxxers,” “civilian pukes,” “non-believers,” “deniers,” etc).

TRAUMA: This one is in two parts, Physical Trauma and Emotional / Mental Trauma.

Physical Trauma includes high levels of activity to the point of exhaustion, low sleep time / disrupted sleep, high carbohydrate intake and low nutrient intake in the diet. These damage the brain, increase stress, and weaken resistance of the body, mind, and spirit, to render the individual unable to resist the dictates of the cult.

Emotional Trauma is used to weaken the spirit through verbal and psychological abuse heaped continuously: constantly telling them they’re not good enough, and keeping them in a perpetual atmosphere of Fear, which increases stress, which weakens the body’s defenses, and leads to ignorance, confusion, control / slavery, and ultimately chaos.

Mind control can never lead to knowledge, understanding, wisdom, freedom, sovereignty, or order and justice in a society. And it is used by those weaklings who intend the opposite for the purpose of encouraging false beliefs in order to enslave the populace.